International Summer School: Topological and Symmetry-Broken Phases in Physics and Chemistry – Theoretical Basics and Phenomena Ranging from Crystals and Molecules to Majorana Fermions, Neutrinos and Cosmic Phase Transitions
14 - 18 August 2017 in Dresden, Germany
The concepts of topology, symmetries, symmetry breaking, and phase transition are central in many modern topics ranging from condensed matter and molecular chemistry to elementary particle physics and cosmology. This school is the second in a series of summer schools on the interface between these fields (last year's school). It focuses on these common concepts and aims to deepen their understanding. The lectures cover the theoretical background as well as applications in all fields.
The school is aimed at PhD students and postdocs in all covered fields and takes place from 14th to 18th August 2017 in Dresden, Germany. There is financial support for students, whose participation would otherwise be prevented.
The deadline has passed, application is not possible anymore!
Speakers and Topics include:
- Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig, Germany):
Group Theory and Application in Crystallography and Solid State Chemistry - Dietmar Lehmann (Dresden, Germany):
Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group: An Introduction - Jens Kortus (Freiberg, Germany):
Discrete Group Theory applied to Molecules - James Annett (Bristol, UK):
Symmetries, Berry Phases and Topology in Unconventional Superconductivity - Jan Budich (Gothenburg, Sweden):
Topology - Claudia Felser (Dresden, Germany):
Topological Aspects in Solid State Chemistry - Serguey Petcov (Trieste, Italy):
Majorana Fermions and Neutrino Physics - Stephan Huber (Sussex, UK):
Electroweak Phase Transition in the Early Universe - Joerg Jaeckel (Heidelberg, Germany):
Axions in the Theory of Strong Interaction
The school is part of a series of International Summer Schools and receives financial support from the TU Dresden within its Institutional Strategy, funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments.