Host Institution
Dresden as a congress site
The city of Dresden has become one of the liveliest cities in Europe. It unites historical, architectural and cultural treasures with a vibrant, up to date research environment in many disciplines, most importantly biomedical sciences. In addition, the city of Dresden offers an outstanding infrastructure and a great hospitality.
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
- Five schools with 18 faculties
- > 33.500 students, including 7.808 1st year students and 13 % of students from abroad
- 6.620 budgetarily financed employees
- External funding of 257.7 million Euro
- Since 2012, the TUD is one of the eleven Excellence Initiative universities in Germany
Hosting groups

Thonningia sanguinea
At the Chair of Molecular Cell Physiology & Endocrinology of the Faculty of Biology natural compound research is focused on
- consumer protection
- breast cancer prevention
- doping prevention
- basic scientific research in the interaction of signaling cascades

Fruits of Xylopia aethiopica
At the Chair of Botany of the Faculty of Biology ethnobotanical research is focussed on
- documentation of traditional knowledge in Africa and Iran
- creation of a Botanical Garden in Uíge (Angola) for cultivation of medicinal plants