Since 2020 chair of real algebraic geometry.
Members of the working group in real algebraic geometry
Here is a list of my publications.
Moments, Non-Negative Polynomials, and Algebraic Statistics (Winter School)
The geometry of polynomials in combinatorics and sampling
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Computations in Algebraic Geometry: Complex, Real, and Tropical
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mario Kummer
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Visiting address:
Zellescher Weg 12-14, Z21 249.1
01069 Dresden
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Office hours:
In my office or online upon request
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Bürogebäude Z 21, Room 325.2 Zellescher Weg 25
01217 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institut für Geometrie