Name | Phone | Fax | Room | |
Anjan Kumar N M | +49 351 46334314 | +49 351 463-37048 | anjan_kumar.naralapura_manohara | REC B208 |
Atiqa Arshad | a.arshad |
Fang Liu | +49 351 46334314 | +49 351 463-37048 |
fang.liu2 |
Liwen Feng |
l.feng |
Nadine Kruse | +49-351-463-34673 | +49 351 463-37048 | nadine.kruse |
REC B208 |
Noreen Damme | +49 351 463-34670 | +49 351 463-37048 | noreen.damme |
REC C116 |
Shuhan Wang | +49 351 463-34461 | +49 351 463-37048 | |
REC B204 |
Someshvaran Udayakumar | someshvaran.udayakumar |
Stefan Kaiser | +49 351 463-36050 | +49 351 463-37048 | stefan.kaiser |
REC B207 |
Steffen Danzenbächer | +49 351 463-35647 | +49 351 463-37048 | steffen.danzenbaecher |
REC B208 |
Tim Janocha |
tim.janocha |
Youdi Zhang | +49 351 463-34461 | +49 351 463-37048 | youdi.zhang |
Stefan is the head of the chair of Ultrafast Solid State Physics and Photonics at the TU Dresden.
Liwen Feng
Liwen works on Higgs Spectroscopy on the interplay of CDW and Superconductivity.
Anjan Kumar N M
Fang Liu
Currently, my work focuses on 2D terahertz spectroscopy related to quantum spin liquids.
Atiqa works on THz-driven dynamics at surfaces and interfaces.
Youdi Zhang
Youdi works on Optics on tailed junctions.
Tim Janocha
Tim studies the detection process of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors for his Bachelor's thesis. He focuses on the relationship between their physical properties and resulting device characteristics for Quantum Key Distribution.
Someshvaran Udayakumar
Someshvaran Udayakumar is currently working on his master thesis with single-photon detection mechanisms to implement them in Quantum communications networks.
Former members
Gelon Albrecht
Daniel Werdehausen
Divya Virmani
Rahat Dhande
Steinn Ymir Agustsson
Amrit Pokahel
Mahbub Alam
Simon Kern
Emily Hunag
Anita Mahinpei
Niklas Metz
Desislava Daskalova
Gelon Albrecht
Parmida Shabestari
Kobe Ng
David Hoffmann
Gabriele Domaine
Hao Chu
Le Phuong Hoang
Kedar Honasoge
Sydney Seraphim
Valentina Mazzotti
Tim Priessnitz
Min-Jae Kim
Moritz Niethammer