Archive Lectures and Seminars
Prof. Strunz: Courses
- Electrodynamics (Winter 2008/09, Winter 2011/12, Winter 17/18, Winter 18/19)
- Quantum Theory 1 (Summer 2016, Summer 2017)
- Quantum Theory 2 (Summer 2010, Summer 2009)
- Thermodynamics und Statistical Physics (Winter 2019/20, Winter 2010/11)
- Theoretical Mechanics ( Summer 2024 Sommer 2023, Summer 2020, Summer 2015, Summer 2013)
- Theoretical Physics/Master + Tutorium Master(Summer 2015, Winter 2014/15, Summer 2014, Winter 2013/14, Summer 2013, Winter 2012/13)
Prof. Strunz: Specialisation Seminars
- Open Quantum Systems and Stochastic Processes (Summer 2014)
- Quantum Information (Winter 2016/17, Winter 2020/21, Summer 2021, Winter 2022/23 )
- Quantum Stochastic Processes (Winter 2009/10)
- Stochastic Processes - classical and quantum (Winter 2021/22)
- Theoretical Quantum Optics, (Winter 2023/24)
- Ultracold Quantum Gases (Summer 2011, Summer 2008)
Prof. Strunz: Advanced Seminars
- Quantuminformation and open quantum systems (Summer 2017)
- Current Topics of Mathematical Physics (every term starting Winter 18/19)
PD Dr. Günter Plunien
- Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (Winter 2019/20, Sommer 2016, Winter 2013/14)
- Gruppen und Teilchen (Sommer 2014, Sommer 2008, Winter 2018/19, Sommer 2021)
- Quantentheorie LA StEx (Winter 2015/16)
- Einführung in die Quantenoptik (Winter 2015/16)
- Quantenfelder unter dem Einfluß externer Bedingungen (Sommer 2015, Sommer 2013, Winter 20/21)
- Quantenelektrodynamik (Winter 2014/15, Winter 2012/13, Winter 2010/11, Sommer 2009, Winter 2017/18, Sommer 2020)
- Quantenphysik für Physiklehrer (Sommer 2014)
- Thermodynamik und Statistische Physik für Physiklehrer (Winter 2014/15, Sommer 2017, Sommer 2019)
- Relativistische Physik für Physiklehrer (Sommer 2009, Sommer 2008)
Dr. Kimmo Luoma
Open Quantum Dynamics (Englisch) (WS 2019/20)
Dr. Andrey Volotka
- Special topics in QED (Winter 2013/14)
Priv. Doz. Dr. T. Beier
- Mathematische Ergänzungen zur Quantenmechanik (SS 2017, SS 2022)
- Spezielle Kapitel der Elektrodynamik Multipole, Legendrepolynome usw. : (Winter 17/18), Winter 18/19