Die Darstellung zeigt eine schwarze Tafel. An diese wurde mit weißer Kreide groß das Wort "Welcome" in die Mitte geschrieben. Drum herum stehen viele kleinere Begriffe. Sie sind die Übersetzung dieses Wortes in verschiedenen Sprachen. © PantherMedia / ijdema

Welcome, Dear Newcomer!

The students' council of the psychology department (FSR) is delighted that you have decided to study at TU Dresden! To make your start as easy and pleasant as possible, we have come up with an extensive and colorful program.

Our Discord server offers you the opportunity to network with your fellow students and to learn together digitally. To join our server just send an email with the subject "Zugang Discord-Server" (without quotation marks) to fsr.psychologie@tu-dresden.de.
You will get an automatic reply containing a link to access the server. It can take up to 30 minutes for our system to send out the reply.

We will be updating this page in the coming weeks. Check back in September and also keep an eye on our social media channels so you don't miss anything. We're really looking forward to seeing you! =)

experience now Welcome, Dear Newcomer!

Wichtige Themen im Überblick

Eine Gruppe Studierender bei einer Stadtführung auf dem Theaterplatz © Nils Eisfeld

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