Aktuelle Publikationen der Professur
Alternsgerechte Arbeitsgestaltung und Personalarbeit , 2012, 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie: Supplement to Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling. Riemann, R. (Hrsg.). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, S. 23Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Konferenzbericht/Sammelband/Gutachten > Beitrag in Buch/Sammelband/Gutachten
Balance von Stabilität und Flexibilität durch Netzwerke , 2012, Flexibel, stabil und innovativ: Arbeit im 21. Jahrhundert. Beiträge zur Multikonferenz Arbeitsgestaltung: Beiträge zur Multikonferenz Arbeitsgestaltung 2012. Bullinger, A. C., Eichler, L., Möslein, K. M. & Trinczek, R. (Hrsg.). Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, S. 138–143Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Konferenzbericht/Sammelband/Gutachten > Beitrag in Buch/Sammelband/Gutachten
Better not to deal with two tasks at the same time when stressed? Acute psychosocial stress reduces task shielding in dual-task performance , 2012, in: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. 12, 3, S. 557-570, 14 S.Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Building a bridge into the future: Dynamic connectionist modeling as an integrative tool for research on intertemporal choice , 2012, in: Frontiers in Psychology. 3, NOV, S. 5-18, 14 S.Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Dynamic goal states: Adjusting cognitive control without conflict monitoring , 2012, in: NeuroImage. 63, 1, S. 126-136, 11 S.Elektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Early markers of ongoing action-effect learning , 2012, in: Frontiers in psychologyElektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Frontostriatal mechanisms in instruction-based learning as a hallmark of flexible goal-directed behavior , 2012, in: Frontiers in psychologyElektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Psychische Belastung in der Dienstleistungsbranche: Entwicklung eines Instruments für die Analyse, Bewertung und Gestaltung interaktiver Tätigkeiten , 2012, Paderborn: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 118 S.Publikation: Vorabdruck/Dokumentation/Bericht > Projekt (-abschluss und -zwischen) bericht
The fraction of an action is more than a movement: Neural signatures of event segmentation in fMRI , 2012, in: NeuroImageElektronische (Volltext-)VersionPublikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift > Forschungsartikel
Was hindert KMU daran, flexibel zu sein? , 2012, Gestaltung nachhaltiger Arbeitssysteme –Wege zur gesunden, effizienten und sicheren Arbeit. Schütte, M. (Hrsg.). Dortmund: GfA-Press, S. 767-770Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Konferenzbericht/Sammelband/Gutachten > Beitrag in Buch/Sammelband/Gutachten
Publikationen (2009-2016)
Beck, S. M., Ruge, H., Schindler, C., Burkart, M., Miller, R., Kirschbaum, C., & Goschke, T. (2016). Effects of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 (R) on cognitive control functions, mental activity of the prefrontal cortex and stress reactivity in elderly adults with subjective memory impairment - a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental, 31(3), 227-242. doi:10.1002/hup.2534
Domachowska, I., Heitmann, C., Deutsch, R., Goschke, T., Scherbaum, S., & Bolte, A. (2016/in press). Approach-motivated positive affect reduces breadth of attention: Registered replication report of Gable and Harmon-Jones (2008). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2015.09.003
Frimmel, S., Wolfensteller, U., Mohr, H., & Ruge, H. (2016). The neural basis of integrating pre-and post-response information for goal-directed actions. Neuropsychologia, 80, 56-70.
Kraeplin, A., Scherbaum, S., Goschke, T., & Buehringer, G. (2016). Real differences or measurement error? - Retest reliabilities of behavioral measures in Gambling Disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 5, 24-24.
Scherbaum, S., Frisch, S., & Dshemuchadse, M. (2016). Switches of stimulus tagging frequencies interact with the conflict-driven control of selective attention, but not with inhibitory control. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 99, 103–107. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2015.11.012
Steimke, R., Stelzel, C., Gaschler, R., Rothkirch, M., Ludwig, V. U., Paschke, L. M., Trempler, I., Kathmann, N., Goschke, T., & Walter, Henrik (2016). Decomposing Self-Control: Individual Differences in Goal Pursuit Despite Interfering Aversion, Temptation, and Distraction. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00382
Wisniewski, D., Goschke, T., & Haynes, J.-D. (2016). Similar coding of freely chosen and externally cued intentions in a fronto-parietal network. Neuroimage, 134, 450-458. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.044
Dshemuchadse, M., Grage, T., & Scherbaum, S. (2015). Action dynamics reveal two components of cognitive flexibility in a homonym relatedness judgement task. Frontiers in Cognition, 6, 1244.
Evens, R., Stankevich, Y., Dshemuchadse, M., Storch, A., Wolz, M., Reichmann, H., Schläpfer,T., Goschke, T., & Lueken, U. (2015). The impact of Parkinson's disease and subthalamic deep brain stimulation on reward processing. Neuropsychologia, 75, 11-19. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.05.005
Fischer, R., Plessow, F., Dreisbach, G., & Goschke, T. (2015). Individual Differences in the Context-Dependent Recruitment of Cognitive Control: Evidence From Action Versus State Orientation. Journal of Personality, 83(5), 575-583. doi:10.1111/jopy.12140
Frimmel, S., Wolfensteller, U., Mohr, H., Ruge, H. (2015). The neural basis of integrating pre- and post-response information for goal-directed actions. Neuropsychologia, 80, 56 – 70.
Frisch, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Görner, M., Goschke, T., & Scherbaum, S. (2015). Unraveling the sub-processes of selective attention: insights from dynamic modeling and continuous behavior. Cognitive Processing, 16(4), 377–388. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-015-0666-0
Kräplin, A., Behrendt, S., Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Bühringer, G., & Goschke, T. (2015). Increased impulsivity in pathological gambling: Considering nicotine dependence. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 37(4), 367–378. http://doi.org/10.1080/13803395.2015.1018145
Kräplin, A., Behrendt, S., Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Buehringer, G., & Goschke, T. (2015). Increased impulsivity in pathological gambling: Considering nicotine dependence. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 37(4), 367-378. doi:10.1080/13803395.2015.1018145
Kräplin, A., Goschke, T., & Buehringer, G. (2015). Conflict adaptation in pathological gambling. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 4, 54-54.
Krönke, K.-M., Wolff, M., Benz, A. & Goschke, T. (2015). Successful smoking cessation is associated with prefrontal cortical function during a Stroop task: a preliminary study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. DOI:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2015.08.005
Ludwig, V. U., Nüsser, C., Goschke, T., Wittfoth-Schardt, D., Wiers, C. E., Erk, S., . . . Walter, H. (2015). Delay discounting without decision-making: medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala activations reflect immediacy processing and correlate with impulsivity and anxious-depressive traits. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 9, 280. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00280
Miller, R., Scherbaum, S., Goschke, T., & Enge, S. (2015). The shifted Wald distribution represents a non-censored Wiener diffusion model of choice response times: Evidence from simulations and a Go/No-go task. arXiv:1507.03730 [q-bio.NC].
Mohr, H., Wolfensteller, U., Frimmel, S., Ruge, H. (2015). Sparse regularization techniques provide novel insights into outcome integration processes. Neuroimage. 104, 163-176.
Ruge, H. & Wolfensteller, U. (2015). Distinct fronto-striatal couplings reveal the double-faced nature of response-outcome relations in instruction-based learning. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 15, 349-64.
Ruge, H. & Wolfensteller, U. (2015). Distinct contributions of lateral orbito-frontal cortex, striatum, and fronto-parietal network regions for rule encoding and control of memory-based implementation during instructed reversal learning. Neuroimage 125, 1-12.
Wolff, M., Kronke, K. M., & Goschke, T. (2015). Trait self-control is predicted by how reward associations modulate Stroop interference. Psychological Research, 1-8. doi:10.1007/s00426-015-0707-4
Zwosta, K., Ruge, H., Wolfensteller, U. (2015). Neural mechanisms of goal-directed behavior: Outcome-based response selection is associated with increased functional coupling of the angular gyrus. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9. 180. http://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00180
Beck, S. M., Ruge, H., Walser, M., & Goschke, T. (2014). The functional neuroanatomy of spontaneous retrieval and strategic monitoring of delayed intentions. Neuropsychologia, 52, 37–50. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.10.020
Fischer, R., Gottschalk, C., & Dreisbach, G. (2014). Context-sensitive adjustment of cognitive control in dual-task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(2), 399-416.
Fischer, R., Plessow, F., Dreisbach, G., & Goschke, T. (2014). Individual Differences in the Context-Dependent Recruitment of Cognitive Control: Evidence From Action Versus State Orientation. J Pers. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12140
Frisch, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Goschke, T., & Scherbaum, S. (2014). Continuous goal dynamics: insights from mouse-tracking and computational modeling. Cognitive Processing, 15(1), S37-S38.
Goschke, T. (2014). Dysfunctions of decision-making and cognitive control as transdiagnostic mechanisms of mental disorders: advances, gaps, and needs in current research. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 23(S1), 41-57. doi: 10.1002/mpr.1410
Goschke, T., & Bolte, A. (2014). Emotional modulation of control dilemmas: the role of positive affect, reward, and dopamine in cognitive stability and flexibility. Neuropsychologia, 62, 403-423. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.07.015
Kräplin, A., Buehringer, G., Oosterlaan, J., van den Brink, W., Goschke, T., & Goudriaan, A. E. (2014). Dimensions and disorder specificity of impulsivity in pathological gambling. Addictive Behaviors, 39(11), 1646-1651. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.05.021
Kräplin, A., Dshemuchadse, M., Behrendt, S., Scherbaum, S., Goschke, T., & Buehringer, G. (2014). Dysfunctional decision-making in pathological gambling: Pattern specificity and the role of impulsivity. Psychiatry Research, 215(3), 675-682. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2013.12.041
Kräplin, A., Behrendt, S., Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Buhringer, G., & Goschke, T. (2015). Increased impulsivity in pathological gambling: Considering nicotine dependence. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 1-12. doi:10.1080/13803395.2015.1018145
Lueken, U., Stankevich, Y., Goschke, T., Schlaepfer, T. E., Koy, J., Reichmann, H., Storch, A., Wolz, M. (2014). Executive Task Performance under Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson's Disease Revisited: The Modulating Influence of Apathy, Depression and Mood. Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie, 82(7), 386-393. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1366460
Mennigen, E., Rodehacke, S., Mueller, K. U., Ripke, S., Goschke, T., & Smolka, M. N. (2014). Exploring adolescent cognitive control in a combined interference switching task. Neuropsychologia, 61, 175-189. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.06.022
Plessow, F., Fischer, R., Volkmann, J., & Schubert, T. (2014). Subthalamic deep brain stimulation restores automatic response activation and increases susceptibility to impulsive behavior in patients with Parkinson's disease. Brain & Cognition, 87, 16-21.
Rodehacke, S., Mennigen, E., Mueller, K. U., Ripke, S., Jacob, M. J., Huebner, T., Schmidt, D. H. K., Goschke, T., & Smolka, M. N. (2014). Interindividual Differences in Mid-Adolescents in Error Monitoring and Post-Error Adjustment. PLoS ONE, 9(2). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088957
Ruge, H. & Wolfensteller, U. (2014). Distinct fronto-striatal couplings reveal the double-faced nature of response-outcome relations in instruction-based learning. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience (Epub 2014 Nov 1). DOI 10.3758/s13415-014-0325-4
Walser, M., Goschke, T., & Fischer, R. (2014). The difficulty of letting go: moderators of the deactivation of completed intentions. Psychological Research, 78(4), 574–583. doi:10.1007/s00426-013-0509-5
Walser, M., Plessow, F., Goschke, T., & Fischer, R. (2014). The role of temporal delay and repeated prospective memory cue exposure on the deactivation of completed intentions. Psychological Research, 78(4), 584–596. doi:10.1007/s00426-013-0510-z
Wendt, M., Kiesel, A., Gehringswald, F., Purmann, S., & Fischer, R. (2014). Attentional adjustment to conflict strength: Evidence from the effects of manipulationg flanker-target SOA on response times and prestimulus pupil size. Experimental Psychology, 61, 55-67.
Wittchen, H.-U., Knappe, S., Andersson, G., Araya, R., Banos Rivera, R. M., Barkham, M., Goschke, T., Schumann, G. (2014). The need for a behavioural science focus in research on mental health and mental disorders. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 23, 28-40. doi: 10.1002/mpr.1409
Wolfensteller, U. & Ruge, U. (2014). Response selection difficulty modulates the behavioral impact of rapidly learnt action effects. Frontiers in Psychology 5:1382. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01382
Goschke, T., & Walter, H. (2014). Volition und Selbstkontrolle. In A. Stephan & S. Walter (Eds.), Handbuch Kognitionswissenschaft (pp. 459- 471): Metzler Verlag.
Fischer, R. & Zwosta, K. (2014). Der Einfluss von Stimmung auf Multitasking- Performanz [The Influence of Mood States on Multitasking Performance]. In C. Bermeitinger & D. Eckert (Eds.), Paradigmen der Kognitiven Psychologie: Stimmung I [Paradigms in Cognitive Psychology: Mood I] (Pp. 173-199). Berlin: Uni-Edition
Fischer, R., Plessow, F., Ruge. H. (2013). Priming of visual cortex by temporal attention? The effects of temporal predictability on stimulus(-specific) processing in early visual cortical areas. Neuroimage. 66, 261-269.
Fischer, R., Plessow, F., Ruge. H. (2013). Priming of visual cortex by temporal attention? The effects of temporal predictability on stimulus(-specific) processing in early visual cortical areas. Neuroimage. 66, 261-269.
Goschke, T. (2013). Volition in action: Intentions, control dilemmas and the dynamic regulation of intentional control In W. Prinz, A. Beisert & A. Herwig (Eds.), Action science. Foundations of an Emerging Discipline. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Gottschalk, C. & Fischer, R. (March 2013). Exploring bottom-up priming of control: Transfer of attentional control associations to new task settings. Talk at the 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Wien, Austria.
Gottschalk, C., Dreisbach, G., & Fischer, R. (August 2013). Context-specific adjustments of cognitive control: The perseverative retrieval of adaptive control sets. Poster at the 18th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Budapest, Hungary.
Kroemer, N.B., Krebs, L., Kobiella, A., Grimm, O., Vollstädt-Klein, S., Wolfensteller, U., Kling, R., Bidlingmaier, M., Zimmermann, U.S. & Smolka, M.N. (2013). (Still) longing for food: Insulin reactivity modulates response to food pictures. Human Brain Mapping. 34(10):2367-80. DOI:10.1002/hbm.22071.
McDaniel, M. A., Lamontagne, P., Beck, S. M., Scullin, M. K., & Braver, T. S. (2013). Dissociable neural routes to successful prospective memory. Psychological Science, 24(9), 1791-1800.
Riediger, M., Wrzus, C., & Frisch, S. (2013, September). Musik und Affektregulation: Die Rolle von Valenz und Aktivierungsniveau von der Jugend bis ins Alter. Talk at the 21st Meeting of the Unit for Developmental Psychology of the German Psychological Association in Saarbrücken, Germany.
Ruge H., Jamadar S., Zimmermann U., Karayanidis F. (2013). The many faces of preparatory control in task switching: reviewing a decade of fMRI research. Human Brain Mapping. 34, 12-35. download
Ruge H., Jamadar S., Zimmermann U., Karayanidis F. (2013). The many faces of preparatory control in task switching: reviewing a decade of fMRI research. Human Brain Mapping. 34, 12-35. Download
Ruge, H. & Wolfensteller, U. (2013). Functional integration processes underlying the instruction-based learning of novel goal-directed behaviors. Neuroimage. 68, 162-172. download
Ruge, H. & Wolfensteller, U. (2013). Functional integration processes underlying the instruction-based learning of novel goal-directed behaviors. Neuroimage. 68, 162-172.
Ruge, H. & Wolfensteller, U. (2013). Functional integration processes underlying the instruction-based learning of novel goal-directed behaviors. Neuroimage. 68, 162-172. download
Walser, M., Fischer, R., Goschke, T., Kirschbaum, C., & Plessow, F. (2013). Intention retrieval and deactivation following an acute psychosocial stressor. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e85685. doi:10.1317/journal.pone.0085685
Walser, M., Goschke, T., & Fischer, R. (2013). The difficulty of letting go: moderators of the deactivation of completed intentions. Psychological Research. doi:10.1007/s00426-013-0509-5
Walser, M., Plessow, F., Goschke, T., & Fischer, R. (2013). The role of temporal delay and repeated prospective memory cue exposure on the deactivation of completed intentions. Psychological Research. doi:10.1007/s00426-013-0510-z
Zwosta, K., Ruge, H., & Wolfensteller, U. (2013). No anticipation without intention: Response–effect compatibility in effect-based and stimulus-based actions. Acta Psychologica, 144(3), 628-634.
Zwosta, K., Ruge, H., & Wolfensteller, U. (2013). No anticipation without intention: Response–effect compatibility in effect-based and stimulus-based actions. Acta Psychologica, 144(3), 628-634.
Dreisbach, G. & Fischer, R. (2012a). Conflicts as aversive signals. Brain & Cognition, 78(2), 94-98. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278262611002302
Dreisbach, G. & Fischer, R. (2012b). The role of affect and reward in the conflict- triggered adjustment of cognitive control. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6:342.doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00342.
Fischer, R. & Hommel, B. (2012). Deep thinking increases task-set shielding and reduces shifting flexibility in dual-task performance. Cognition, 123, 303-307. (pdf)
Fischer, R., Plessow, F., & Kiesel, A. (2012). The effects of alerting signals in action control: Activation of S-R associations or inhibition of executive control processes? Psychological Research, 76, 317-328. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-011-0350-7 Online first: http://www.springerlink.com/content/e87g121m14jx7356/
Goschke, T. & Bolte, A. (2012). On the modularity of implicit sequence learning: Independent acquisition of spatial, symbolic, and manual sequences, Cognitive Psychology, 65, 284-320.
Grimm, O., Jacob, M.J., Kroemer, N.B., Krebs, L., Vollstädt-Klein, S., Kobiella, A., Wolfensteller, U. & Smolka, M.N. (2012). The personality trait self-directedness predicts the amygdala's reaction to appetizing cues in fMRI. Appetite. 58(3):1023-1029.
Hommel, B., Fischer, R., Colzato, L.S., van den Wildenberg, W.P.M., & Cellini, C. (2012). The effect of fMRI (noise) on cognitive control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38, 290-301. (pdf) http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.3758/s13415-012-098-6
Kroemer, N.B., Krebs, L., Kobiella, A., Grimm, O., Vollstädt-Klein, S., Wolfensteller, U., Kling, R., Bidlingmaier, M., Zimmermann, U.S. & Smolka, M.N. (2012). (Still) longing for food: Insulin reactivity modulates response to food pictures. Human Brain Mapping. (Epub ahead of publication) First published online March 28. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22071.
Kroenke, Mueller, Friederici & Obrig (2012). Learning by doing? The effect of gestures on implicit retrieval of newly acquired words. Cortex, 1-16.
Liepelt, R., Wenke, D., & Fischer, R. (2012). The effects of feature integration in a hands-crossed version of the social Simon paradigm. Psychological Research. DOI 10.1007/s00426-012-0425-0 Online first: http://www.springerlink.com/content/l278152qj66045xv/
Plessow, F., Schade, S., Kirschbaum, C., & Fischer, R. (2012). Better not to deal with two tasks at the same time when stressed? Acute psychosocial stress reduces task shielding in dual-task performance. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 12(3), 557-570. Online first:
Ruge, H., Krebs, R.M., Wolfensteller, U. (2012) Early markers of ongoing action-effect learning. Front. Psychology 3:522. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00522 download
Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Ruge, H., & Goschke, T. (2012). Dynamic goal states: Adjusting cognitive control without conflict monitoring. NeuroImage, 63(1), 126–136.
Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M., & Goschke, T. (2012). Building a bridge into the future: dynamic connectionist modeling as an integrative tool for research on intertemporal choice. Frontiers in Cognition, 3, p. 514
Walser, M., Fischer, R., & Goschke, T. (2012). The failure of deactivating intentions: Aftereffects of completed intentions in the repeated prospective memory cue paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 38(4), 1030-1044. DOI: 10.1037/a0027000 (pdf)
Wolfensteller, U. & Ruge, H. (2012). Frontostriatal mechanisms in instruction- based learning as a hallmark of flexible goal-directed behavior. Front. Psychology 3:192. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00192 download
Goschke, T. & Dreisbach, G. (2011). Kognitiv-affektive Neurowissenschaft: Emotionale Modulation des Denkens, Erinnerns und Handelns. In U. Wittchen & J. Hoyer (Hrsg.), Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (2. Aufl.) (S.129-168). Berlin: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13018-2_6. Online first: http://www.springerlink.com/content/k1r465g6770404mn/
Dreisbach, G. & Fischer, R. (2011). If it's hard to read... try harder! Processing fluency as signal for effort adjustments. Psychological Research, 5, 376-383. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-010-0319-y. Online first: http://www.springerlink.com/content/682v6668041x0n04/
Fischer, R., Kiesel, A., Kunde, W., & Schubert, T. (2011). Selective impairment of masked priming in dual-tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 572-595. (pdf)
Fischer, R., Plessow, F., & Kiesel, A. (2011).The effects of alerting signals in action control: Activation of S-R associations or inhibition of executive control rocesses? Psychological Research. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-011-0350-7 Online first: http://www.springerlink.com/content/e87g121m14jx7356/
Hommel, B., Colzato, L.S., Fischer, R., & Christoffels, I.K. (2011). Bilingualism and creativity: Benefits in convergent thinking come with losses in divergent thinking. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:273. (pdf)
Liepelt, R., Fischer, R., Frensch, A.P., & Schubert, T. (2011). Practice-related reduction of dual-task costs under conditions of a manual-pedal response combination. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 29-44. (pdf)
Liepelt, R., Wenke, D., Fischer, R., & Prinz, W. (2011). Trial-to-trial sequential dependencies in a social and non-social Simon task. Psychological Research, 5, 366-375. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-010-0314-3 Online first: http://www.springerlink.com/content/pr78206340511u84/
Plessow, F., Fischer, R., Kirschbaum, C. & Goschke, T. (2011). Inflexibly focused under stress: Acute psychosocial stress increases shielding of action goals at the expense of reduced cognitive flexibility with increasing time-lag to the stressor. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(11), 3218-3227.
Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M. Fischer, R.& Goschke, T. (2011). The dynamics of cognitive control: evidence for within trial conflict adaptation from frequency tagged EEG. Psychophysiology, 48(5), 591-600.
Wolfensteller, U. & von Cramon, D.Y. (2011). Strategy-effects in prefrontal cortex during learning of higher-order S-R rules. Neuroimage. First published on: May 4th, 2011 (EOP), DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.04.048.
Wolfensteller, U.* & Ruge, H.* (2011). On the timescale of stimulus-based action- effect learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. First published on: March 17th, 2011 (iFirst), DOI:10.1080/17470218.2010.546417. download
Fischer, R., Plessow, F., & Kiesel, A. (2010). Auditory warning signals affect mechanisms of response selection: Evidence from a Simon task Experimental Psychology, 57, 89-97. (pdf)
Fischer, R., Plessow, F., Kunde, W., & Kiesel, A. (2010). Trial-to-trial modulations of the Simon effect in conditions of attentional limitations: Evidence from dual- tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 1576-1594. (pdf)
Karayanidis, F., Jamadar, S., Ruge, H., Phillips, N. A., Heathcote, A., Forstmann, B. U. (2010). Advance preparation in task-switching: converging evidence from behavioral, brain activation and model-based approaches. Front. Psychology, 1, 25.
Ruge, H., Müller, S.C., Braver, T.S. (2010). Anticipating the consequences of action: An fMRI study of intention-based task preparation. Psychophysiology, 47, 1019-27. download
Ruge, H., Wolfensteller, U. (2010). Rapid formation of pragmatic rule representations in the human brain during instruction-based learning. Cerebral Cortex, 20, 1656-67. download
Scherbaum, S., Dshemuchadse, M., Fischer R., & Goschke T. (2010). How Decisions Evolve: The Temporal Dynamics of Action Selection. Cognition, 115, 407-416.
Wolfensteller, U. & von Cramon, D.Y. (2010). Bending the rules: strategic behavioral differences are reflected in the brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 22(2):278-91. download
Bolte, A. & Goschke, T. (in press). Thinking and emotion: affective modulation of cognitive processing modes. In B. Glatzeder, V. Goel, & A. von Müller (Eds.), On thinking, Vol. II: Towards a theory of thinking. Parmenides Book Series. Springer Verlag: Heidelberg.
Goschke, T. (2009). Ist Willensfreiheit eine Illusion? Willentliche Handlungssteuerung aus der Sicht der experimentellen Psychologie und kognitiven Neurowissenschaft. Report Psychologie, 32, 80-97.
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