Prof. Dr. phil. Jürgen Hoyer
Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Professur für Behaviorale Psychotherapie
Hohe Straße 53
D-01187 Dresden
Tel.: +49-351-463-36986
Fax: +49-351-463-36955
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00
Short Biography
Jürgen Hoyer is Professor of Behavioural Psychotherapy at the Technical University of Dresden.
He studied psychology in Göttingen. Several years of clinical work in the field of forensic psychiatry (Moringen State Hospital in Lower Saxony). Doctorate (1992) and habilitation (1999) at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Since 1999 at the TU Dresden, interrupted by a deputy professorship at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences (2001/2002). Since 2002 clinical director of the psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic at TU Dresden (formerly Institute Outpatient Clinic and Day Clinic for Psychotherapy [IAP], since 2021 University Outpatient Clinic and Research Centre for Psychotherapy [UFP]); between 2002 and 2015 also director of a postgraduate course in Psychological Psychotherapy.
Professor Hoyer was and is the head of numerous randomised controlled and naturalistic studies. His research focusses on mechanisms of action and new approaches in psychotherapy, particularly for anxiety disorders and depression. He is the author or co-author of over 400 scientific publications.
Prof Hoyer was co-editor and editor of the Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (2012-2018) and the Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung (2013-2023) and is Advisory Editor of Psychotherapy Research. Together with Susanne Knappe (formerly: Hans-Ulrich Wittchen), he is editor of the most widely used textbook on clinical psychology and psychotherapy.
Other recent book publications include "Soziale Angst verstehen und verändern" published by Springer (together with Samia Härtling), "Verhaltensaktivierung" (together with Diana Vogel) published by Beltz and "Verhaltensaufbau und -aktivierung" (together with Lena Krämer) published by Hogrefe. Most recently, he co-edited "Praxishandbuch Anxiety Disorders", published by Elsevier.
Prof Hoyer is a founding member of the Chamber Assembly of the East German Chamber of Psychotherapists, he was a member of the DGPs Clinical Psychology Spokesperson Group, a member of the TU Dresden Sponsor Commission (2013-2023) and a long-standing spokesperson for the nationwide initiative to coordinate data collection and evaluation at university and training outpatient clinics for psychotherapy (KODAP; 2013-2022).
He is a lecturer in psychotherapy training in Germany and abroad. Prof Hoyer will retire from October 2024. He will work as a freelance psychotherapist, lecturer and author and will continue to be involved in voluntary work, including in suicide prevention.
Research focusses:
Psychotherapy research
Behavioral activation
Social Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Sexual disorders