Student Research Exposition
Don't miss the StuFoExpo 2024!
Under the motto creative minds - ethical research, numerous student contributions will once again be presented at StuFoExpo for the seventh time. Don't want to miss out? Then take part and vote for the most impressive presentations! Registration is required!
What is the StuFoExpo?
The Student Research Exposition is an event initiated and organized by students for students at the Technische Universität Dresden. Its main purpose is to increase the visibility of student research at our university and to motivate students to present their research results to a wider audience. Although student research can produce great findings, it often remains unseen and collects dust in drawers or file folders. The aim of StuFoExpo is to change this.
The StuFoExpo was realized for the first time in 2018 and invites students from all faculties and departments to present their research work. This can be internship reports, research or project work, theses or other scientific projects that students at TU Dresden have developed. The StuFoExpo offers a stage for precisely this research work and an opportunity for an interactive exchange between researchers and the public as well as numerous networking opportunities.
Focus on science communication
The event will also focus on the core area of science communication. What use is highly interesting research if no one who does not belong to a relevant discipline can understand it?
We support StuFoExpo participants in this respect and offer annually changing workshops on the topics of poster design or presentation style in preparation for the event. The aim is to highlight the importance of science communication when working in interdisciplinary teams and transferring one's own knowledge to the audience.
The projects will be evaluated by a jury of experts and the audience during the StuFoExpo. On this basis, the most convincing contributions will be honored with prize money.
The StuFoExpo should offer added value:
... for the participants themselves, who can present and try out their own research work and receive recognition of their work from the audience.
... for the audience, who can immerse themselves in new scientific areas through the contributions prepared in the spirit of science communication.
... for teachers, who in turn pass on the possibilities of student research to their own students and thus contribute to the generation of new young scientists.
The StuFoExpo is funded by the FOSTER program and supported by the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching at TU Dresden.
Student Research Exposition
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