Academic Success
How can academic success at TU Dresden be increased?
How can prospective students prepare themselves optimally for their studies?
Which counseling and support services are available during studies?

Coordination of academic success projects
The Center of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (German abbrev. ZiLL) is responsible for the overall coordination of the academic success projects. The academic success projects accompany and support students on their way to a successful degree.
In addition, two specific academic success projects are coordinated at the ZiLL:
1) The Orientation Platform Research & Practice offers students insights into practice through excursions, project weeks, discussion rounds, a podcast and many other offers.
2) The project Orientation Year offers a program to help prospective students choose the right study program.
3) The Digital Teaching Hand in Hand (DLH) project offers student assistants the opportunity to aid teaching staff in designing their digital teaching plans.