Sia Ivova Hranova

Research Associate
NameSia Hranova M.Sc.
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Research Interests
My main research focus is on neuro-cognitive mechanisms underlying habitual and goal-driven behavior. Specifically, I am interested in finding appropriate computational descriptions of decision-making processes which can in turn help to achieve a mechanistic understanding of how the brain makes decisions.
I generally work with Bayesian inference and Active inference models of behavior. Such models provide an exciting framework for modeling sentient behavior and are well suited for finding the neural underpinnings of decision making.
Main Project
Collaborative Research Center TRR 265: Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake
Computational modelling of impaired control in addiction
(TRR 265, Project B09)
Employment and Functions
since 2022 |
Research Associate Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany |
2019 – 2021 |
Student Research Assistant Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, TU Dresden, Dresden |
2018 |
Research Assistant Genetics Institute, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany |
Education and Qualifications
2018 - 2022 |
Master of Science Computational Modeling and Simulation Track Life Sciences TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany Thesis Title: Combined computational-experimental design of a human habit learning experiment |
2013 – 2017 |
Bachelor of Science Neuroscience University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom Thesis Title: Role of miRNA in regulation of locomotive behaviour in Drosophila Melanogaster |
Mancini, N., Hranova, S., Weber, J., Weiglein, A., Schleyer, M., Weber, D., Thum, A. S., & Gerber, B. (2019). Reversal learning in drosophila larvae. Learning and Memory, 26(11), 424–435.