Louis Thill

Ph.D. Student
NameLouis Thill M. Sc.
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Research Interests
As a psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist, my research delves into the neuro-cognitive mechanisms underlying human behavior and experience. During my PhD, I am focussing on how Pavlovian cues influence instrumental behavior and the role this interference may play in addiction. Specifically, I am investigating the role of cognitive control and depressiveness.
To explore these dynamics, I utilize Pavlovian-to-Instrumental transfer (PIT) tasks in combination with fMRI. To enhance ecological validity, I am also contributing to the development of a mobile task to assess PIT effects in everyday life.
Main Project
International Research Training Group “Risks and Pathomechanisms of Affective Disorders”: Project P5 "Learning, motivation, and cognitive control as trans-diagnostic mechanisms in addiction and depression"
Role of Pavlovian mechanisms for control over substance use (TRR265 - Project B03)
Employment and Functions
Since 2024 | Research Associate, Section of Systems Neuroscience, Department of PSychiatry and Psychotherapy, TU Dresden |
2022-2023 |
Teaching Assistant for "Advanced Statistical Methods and Cognitive Modelling", Chair of Psychological Methods and Cognitive Modeling, Faculty of Psychology, TU Dresden |
Education and Qualifications
2021-2023 |
M. Sc. Psychology: Cognitive-Affective Neuroscience, TU Dresden |
2018-2021 |
B. Sc. Psychology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
2023 | Erasmus+ Exchange: Aalto University, Espoo, Finland |
Funding and Honors
Since 2024 | PhD Student in the International Research Training Group (IRTG) 2773 “Risks and Pathomechanisms of Affective Disorders” |
2024 | Graduation scholarship of Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden (GFF) |
International Research Training Group “Risks and Pathomechanisms of Affective Disorders”