Feb 03, 2022
Congratulation to the successful dissertation of Christoph Zöphel (02.02.2022)
With his disputation, Christoph Zöphel - former scholar of the 2. Boysen-TU Dresden- Research Training Group - has very successfully reached the last milestone in his doctoral process und finished with "magna cum laude". In addition to the dissertation (book project) on the topic "Flexibility Options in Energy Systems - The Influence of Wind - PV ratios and sector coupling on optimal combinations of flexible technologies in a European electricity system", numerous publications have emerged from his time at the 2. Boysen-TU Dresden- Research Training Group and the professorship for energy economics.
His work was supervised and evaluated by Prof. Möst (supervisor and first assessor) and Prof. Bocklisch (second assessor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering).
Mr. Zöphel studied industrial engineering with a focus on energy economics at the TU Dresden for a bachelor's and master's degree from 2008 to 2014. He has been working at the professorship of energy economics as a student assistant since 2012, then from 2015 as a scholar at Boysen-TU Dresden- Research Training Group and from 2018 as a research assistant again at the professorship of energy economics.
The Boysen-TU Dresden- Research Training Group congratulates Mr. Zöphel on this outstanding success!