Dec 01, 2021
Interviews with experts on the media coverage of “Verkehrs-/Mobilitätswende”
Since the state of research on the coverage of a "Verkehrs/Mobilitätswende" (transition of transport and mobility) in journalistic media in Germany is limited so far, the scholar Corinna Drexler (project C2: How public opinion and the media view future mobility scenarios) is currently conducting expert interviews with (science) journalists and scientists within this field. By applying the qualitative method, the quality of journalistic reporting on the topic of "Verkehrs/Mobilitätswende" can be assessed. The study provides insights into which topics, according to the experts’ perception, are currently in the focus of journalistic reporting and e.g. how detailed and comprehensible those topics are presented. From the results, conclusions can be drawn as to whether and how extensively citizens in Germany can obtain information on the topic of "Verkehrs/Mobilitätswende” and, based on this, form themselves an opinion.