Jun 14, 2019
Active support for Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group
Since mid-April 2019, the Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group is grateful to have the support of Mrs. Tamar Mauritz.
As a translator in English and Spanish, a graduate of the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne (Diplom-Übersetzerin FH), and now working as management assistant for Dr.-Ing. Anna Martius, Mrs. Mauritz’s responsibilities include organizational and financial tasks and providing support in event organization and office administration, which she does while showing a strong sense of commitment, enthusiasm, and conscientiousness.
We are glad to welcome Mrs. Mauritz as part of the Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group and hope she will continue to support our mission for years to come. Born in Dresden, Mrs. Mauritz brings to the table her previous practical experiences and to the group, and is looking forward to continuing her career in the field of sustainability.