BR2: Comparative methodology for the development and validation of cryogenic and high-pressure hydrogen storage systems made of fibre-plastic composites in aerospace applications
Two forms of storage have become established for storing hydrogen (H2) in transport systems. In high-pressure storage systems, H2 is stored at approx. 700 bar in single-walled containers (storage system 1). In cryogenic storage, cryogenic and practically pressureless liquid hydrogen is stored in highly insulated double-walled containers (storage system 2). For both storage systems, the use of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) composites with their direction-dependent properties can save mass and energy during production and use while providing the same or increased functionality compared to metallic tanks.
However, the development and validation of such FRP storage tanks is significantly more complex than with classic metallic systems due to the large number of adjustable material and process parameters. The necessary steps for the effective, efficient, and reliable development of such storage systems from a thermomechanical point of view sometimes differ significantly depending on the storage system. For example, the fibre architecture for high-pressure storage systems must be designed fundamentally differently than for cryogenic and practically pressureless systems. On the other hand, cryogenic storage systems have to meet significantly higher requirements in terms of thermal insulation. These differences in development in combination with the demanding technical objectives and the large number of adjustable design and material parameters present companies and engineers in everyday life with the challenge of deciding on a storage system at an early stage, on the one hand, and on the other hand of using the right methods, models, and data appropriate to the material during development.
Within the scope of the proposed project, the development process chains of both storage systems are to be described as models. The necessary methods, models, and data (MMD) will be demonstrated from the risk analysis to the constructive development to the validation, validated exemplarily within the framework of a preliminary development, and the development processes and example tanks worked out in this way will finally be evaluated and compared with regard to technical, economic, and ecological criteria.
Doctoral Student: David Schlegel
First (Main) Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude
Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Antonio Hurtado