E3: Extended cost-benefit analysis for hydrogen production in MENA countries
In view of the increasing political interest in a European-North African hydrogen program, the methodology for evaluating such a program is to be further developed here and applied to one or more MENA states (Middle East and North Africa). The focus of the work is on the modeling and quantification of investment risks and the relationship of investments to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (hereafter SDGs) within the framework of an appropriate evaluation method, such as cost-benefit analysis (CBA) or real option analysis (ROA). Another challenge that the sub-project addresses is the evaluation of the impact of energy/hydrogen production on the UN SGDs such as sustainability, contribution to climate change reduction, the social dimension, and the development perspective in the context of hydrogen production expanded. The integration into the local and African power supply must also be considered. Among other things, the costs and sustainability aspects of the required resources must be modeled.
Doctoral Student: Siarhei Bartalevich
First (Main) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil Georg Hirte
Second Supervisor: N. N.