Table of contents

NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Georg Hirte
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Chair of Economics, esp. Transport Policy and Spatial Economics
Chair of Economics, esp. Transport Policy and Spatial Economics
Visiting address:
FAL, Room 016 Würzburger Str. 35
01187 Dresden
Office hours:
By arrangement
Research Interests
Numerical analysis of equilibria (CGE), Urban Economics (Spatial CGE), Environmental Economics, Transportation Economics, Transport Policy, Regional Economics, Spatial Economics
Papers in Refereed Journals
- Standfuß T, Hirte G, Schultz M, Fricke H, 2024. Efficiency assessment in European air traffic management - A fundamental analysis of data, models, and methods. Journal of Air Transport Management 115, 102523
- Hirte, G., Laes, R., Gerike, R., 2023 Working from self-driving cars. Transportation Research Part A 176, 103785
- Standfuß, T., Fichert, F., Hirte, G., Fricke, H., 2023. ANSPs in turbulent times - uncovering the impact of demand shocks on efficiency using the Malmquist Index. Journal of the Air Transport Research Society 1.
- Häse, S., Hirte, G., 2023. The impact of unexpected flood events and adaption measures on lot prices. Review of Regional Research, 43, 29-68.
Hirte, G., MIn, H.-K., Rhee, H.-J., 2022. Regulation versus taxation: Efficiency of zoning and tax instruments as anti-congestion policies. Journal of Housing Economics 56, 101837.
Adler, N., Hirte, G., Kumar, S., Niemeier, H.-M., 2022. The impact of specialization, ownership, competition and regulation on efficiency: a case study of Indian seaports. Maritime Economics & Logistics 24, 507-536.
- Hirte, G., C. Lessmann, A. Seidel (2020). International trade, geographic heterogeneity and interregional inequality European Economic Review
Hirte, G., Tscharaktschiew, S. (2020). The role of labor-supply margins in shaping optimal transport taxes. Economics of Transportation 22.
Hirte, G., Illmann, U, 2019. Household decision making on commuting and the commuting paradox. Empirica 46(1), 63-101.
Yalew, A.W., Hirte, G., Lotze-Campen, H., und Tscharaktschiew, S., 2019. The synergies and trade-offs of planned adaptation in agriculture: a general equilibrium analysis for Ethiopia. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change
Yalew, A.W., Hirte, G., Lotze-Campen, H., und Tscharaktschiew, S., 2018. Climate Change, agriculture, and economic development in Ethiopia. Sustainability 10(10), 3464 (1-23)
Hirte, G., Nitzsche, E., and Tscharaktschiew, S., 2018. Optimal Adaptation in Cities. Land Use Policy 73, 147–169
Straubinger, A., Hirte, G., Tscharaktschiew, S., 2018. On-street vs. off-street parking: An urban economics analysis. Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft 1/2018, 68-95.
Kaplan, S., L. Grünwald und G. Hirte, 2016. The effect of social networks and norms on the inter-regional migration intentions of knowledge-workers: The case of Saxony, Germany, Cities, 55, 61-69.
Fetene, G. M., G. Hirte, S. Kaplan, C. G. Prato und S. Tscharaktschiew, 2016. The Economics of Workplace Charging, Transportation Research B: Methodological, 88, 93-118.
Eickelpasch, A., G. Hirte und A. Stephan, 2016. Firms’ Evaluation of Location Quality: Evidence from East Germany, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 236(2), S. 241-273.
Hirte, G. und S. Tscharaktschiew, 2015. Optimal Fuel Taxes and Heterogeneity of Cities. Review of Regional Research 35, 172-309.
Rhee, H.-J., S. Yu, and G. Hirte, 2014. Zoning in cities with traffic congestion and agglomeration economics. Regional Science and Urban Economics 44, 82-93.
- Hirte, G., and E. Nitzsche. Evaluating policies to achieve emission goals in urban road transport. Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft 84, 112-137.
- Hirte, G. and S. Tscharaktschiew, 2013. The optimal subsidy on electric vehicles in German metropolitan areas: A spatial general equilibrium analysis. Energy Economics 40, 515-528.
- Blien, U., S. Fuchs, and G. Hirte, 2013. Introduction. New advances in the analysis of regional labour markets. Papers in Regional Science 92, 243-248 (Guest editorial - special issue on regional labour markets).
- Hirte, G. and S. Tscharaktschiew, 2013. Income tax deduction of commuting expenses in an urban CGE study: The case of German cities. Transport Policy 28, 11-27
- Tscharaktschiew, S. and G. Hirte, 2012. Should subsidies to urban transport be increased? A spatial CGE analysis for German metropolitan areas. Transportation Research Part A 46, 285-309
- Tscharaktschiew, S. and G. Hirte, 2010. The drawbacks and opportunities of carbon charges in metropolitan areas - A spatial general equilibrium approach. Ecological Economics 70, 339-357.
- Tscharaktschiew, S. and G. Hirte, 2010. How does the household structure shape the urban economy? Regional Science and Urban Economics 40, 498-516
- Brunow, S. and G. Hirte, 2009. The age pattern of human capital and regional productivity: A spatial econometric study for German regions. Papers in Regional Science 88, 799-823
- Hirte, G., 2009. Editorial Note: Special Issue on Regional Prices. Annals of Regional Science 43(1( (guest editor of this special issue)
- Brunow, S. and G. Hirte, 2006. Age Structure and Regional Economic Growth. Review of Regional Research (Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft) 26, 3-23
- Hirte, G., 2003. The Political Feasibility of Privatizing Old-Age Insurance. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 50, 507-525, 2003
- Hirte, G., 2002. Welfare and Macroeconomic Effects of the German Pension Act 1992 and 1999 – A Dynamic CGE Study. German Economic Review 3, 81-106
- Börstinghaus, V. and G. Hirte, 2001. General Equilibrium versus Generational Accounting. Finanzarchiv 58, 227-243
- Hirte, G., 2000. Struktur der impliziten Steuersätze der Gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung, ifo-studien 46, 315-334
- Hirte, G., 1999. Renditen in der Gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung und ihr Aussagegehalt, Konjunkturpolitik (Applied Economics Quarterly) 45, 1-23
- Hirte, G., 1999. Raising the Statutory Retirement Age – Why Should Anybody Lose? Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Journal of Economics and Statistics) 219, 393-408
- Hirte, G., 1998. Welfare Effects of Regional Income Taxes. Results of an Interregional CGE Analysis for Germany. Annals of Regional Science 32, 201-219
- Hirte, G. and R. Weber, 1997. Pareto improving Transition from a Pay-as-you-go to a Fully Funded System – is it Politically Feasible? Finanzarchiv 54, 303-330
- Hirte, G. and J. Genosko, 1989. Regionalisierte empirische allgemeine Gleichgewichtsanalyse: Eine Einführung mit einem einfachen Modell für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft (Review of Regional Reserach) 9/10, 32-56
Discussion Papers
- Waller ST, Polydoropoulou A, Tassiualas L, Ziliaskopoulos A, Wagenknecht S, Hirte G, Bednarz T, 2023. Mobility as a Resource (MaaR) for resilient human-centric automation: a vision paper
- Hirte, G. und H.-J. Rhee, 2016. Regulation versus Taxation: Efficiency of Zoning and Tax Instruments as Anti-Congestion Policies, CEPIE Working Paper, 05/16.
- Hirte, G., Ch. Lessmann, 2014. Trade, Integration, and Interregional Inequality, CESifo working paper series 4799.
- Tscharaktschiew, S. und G. Hirte, 2009. An urban general equilibrium model with multiple household structures and travel mode choice. Dresden Discussion Paper in Economics No. 06/09, Technische Universität Dresden
- Hirte, G., 2001. Pension Policies for an Aging Society, Tübingen: MohrSiebeck (Finanzwissenschaftliche Beiträge 14, hrsg. von Wolfgang Wiegard und Hans-Werner Sinn).
- Hirte, G., 1996. Effizienzwirkungen von Finanzausgleichsregelungen, Frankfurt a.M., Peter Lang Verlag (Finanzwissenschaftliche Schriften Nr. 76), Dissertation.
Other Papers
- Hirte, G., 2010. Dresden braucht Investitionen, DNN 11.05.2010.
- Hirte, G., 2009. Externe Staukosten existieren und sind relevant! Eine Replik auf Cerwenka/Mayer-Rühle und Nagl, Internationales Verkehrswesen 61 (11), 438-439.
- Hirte, G., 2009. Führt das Verursacherprinzip zu einer Merhbelastung für den Straßenverkehr), Internationales Verkehrswesen 61(5), 149-154.
- Hirte, G., 2009. Effizienzmessung von öffentlichen Wohnungsunternehmen, InfrastrukturRecht 5(11), 332-336.
- Hirte, G. and A. Neumann, 2008. Konvergenz von Regionen, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden 57, Heft 3-4, 31-35.
- Hirte, G., 2006. Ghettoisierung in Dresden? Kommentar zum WOBA-Verkauf: Finanzieller Erfolg mit Schattenseite. Der Neue Kämmerer 02/June 2006, S.3.
- Brunow, S. and G. Hirte, 2005. Der Einfluss der Altersstruktur auf die Entwicklung des regionalen Pro-Kopf-Einkommens, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden 54, no. 3-4, 65-70.
- Hirte, G., 2005. Demographischer Wandel und Rentenversicherung, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden 54, no. 3-4, 31-35.
- Hirte, G., 2004. Enstehung, Veränderung und Interdependenz regionaler Strukturen, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden 53, no. 3-4, 127-130.
- Hirte, G., 2003. Intergenerationale Umverteilungswirkungen der Rentenreformen in Deutschland, Deutsche Rentenversicherung 3-4/2003, 213-225.
- Genosko, J., G. Hirte and R. Weber, 1999. Quersubventionierung in der Arbeitslosenversicherung, Wirtschaftsdienst 79, 44-49.
- Genosko, J., G. Hirte and R. Weber, 1999. Cross-Subsidization and Experience Rating. A Case Study for the German Unemployment Insurance System. In: E.B. Dahiya (ed.), The Current State of Economic Science: vol. IV, Rohtak: Spellbound, 2065-2083.
- Genosko, J., G. Hirte and R. Weber, 1999. Eine Neugestaltung der passiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik als Beitrag zur Beschäftigungsförderung, Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung Berufsforschung 224, 327-352.
- Bilger, U., J. Genosko and G. Hirte, 1991. A Migration and Regional Labour Market Adjustment in West Germany. In: J. Stillwell and P. Congdon (eds.), Migration Models: Macro and Micro Approaches, London u. New York: Belhaven Press, 152-167.
- Hirte, G. and W. Wiegard, 1988. Introduction to Applied General Equilibrium Tax Modelling (With a Preliminary Application to the Reform of Factor Taxes in the FRG). In: D. Bös, M. Rose, Ch. Seidl (eds.), Welfare and Efficiency in Public Economics, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 167-204.
- G.Hirte, A. Stephan, 2014. Regionale Beschäftigungswirkungen von Investitionen in die öffentliche Infrastruktur , Report for the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
- Boden, M. and G. Hirte, 2012. Revitalisierungsoffensive für das ehemalige Warenkaufhaus in Görlitz. Studie zur Bestimmung soziodemograficher Randfaktoren und Durchführung einer Nutzwertanalyse für mögliche Nutzungskonzepte. Funded by the Bürgerinitiative Görlitzer Kaufhaus.
- Hirte, G., 2011. Short presentation on the plans to open a 2nd department store in the center of the city of Bautzen
- Hirte, G., 2008. Abgaben als Instrumente zur Kostenanlastung von externen Kosten und Wegekosten im Straßenverkehr, Gutachterliche Stellungnahme für die Allianz pro Schiene, Berlin.
- Hirte, G. and S. Mehlhorn, 2005. Marktchancen in Tschechien für Verkehrsunternehmen der Gütertransport- und Personenbeförderungsbranche in den bayerischen Grenzregionen zur Tschechischen Republik. Financed by the IHK.
- since 2022 Vice Dean of the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
- 2019-2022 Dean for study fields Transportation Economics
- since 2015 Managing Director of the Institute of Transport and Economics
- since 2016 Full Professor in Economics, esp. Transport Policy and Spatial Economics at TU Dresden
- since 2003 Full Professor in Economics, esp. Macroeconomics and Spatial Economics/ Regional Science at TU Dresden
- 2002-2003, Substitute Professor at TU Dresden
- 2001-2002 Substitute Professor for Distribution and Social Policy Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M.
- 2001-2003 Lecturer at the Chair of Economics, esp. Economic and Social Policy, Faculty of Business Administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- 1995-2001 Lecturer at the Chair of Economics, esp. Economic and Social Policy, Faculty of Business Administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (1995-2001)
- 1990-1995 Research Assistant at the Chair of Economics, esp. Economic and Social Policy, Faculty of Business Administration at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
- 1989-1990 Research Assistant at the Chair of Economic and Regulatory Policy University of Hohenheim (1989-1990)
2001 Habilitation („Pension Policies for an Aging Society“), Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
1995 Doctorate in economics: Dr. rer. pol, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
1989 Diploma in Economics, University of Regensburg
Education in Economics and Theology at the University of Regensburg
Other Activities
- 2013-2023 Editor-in-Chief: Review of Regional Research (RevRegRes)
- 2006-2010 Chairman of the German Section of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) / Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
- since 2006 Member of the board of Regional Economics at the Vereins für Socialpolitik (German Economic Association)
- Guest editor: Annals of Regional Science, Papers in Regional Science
- Referee: Agricultural Economics, Annals of Regional Science, Applied Geography, Applied Economics Quarterly, Case Studies in Transport Policy, Finanzarchiv, Fiscal Studies, Economic Bulletin, Economic Modelling, European Economic Review, European Journal of Operations Research, Europen Journal of Political Economy, Empirica, Environmental and Development Economics, Eurasian Economics, FinanzArchiv, Fiscal Studies, Growth and Change, Homo Oeconomicus, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Frontiers in Financial Economics, Networks and Spatial Economics, Papers in Regional Science, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Raumforschung und Raumordnung, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Regional Studies, Review of Regional Research (Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft), Research in Transportation Economics, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, Spatial Economic Analysis, Transport Policy, Trasporti Europei (European Transport), Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part C, Transportation Research Part D, Transportation, Urban Studies, Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft, World Economy
- Edwin-von-Böventer Award of the German Speaking Section of ERSA (1997)