Mar 18, 2024
Awarded with Saxon State Prize 2024 - Construction Practices of the Future -

Award ceremony at the HAUS building fair in Dresden
The state prize in the category "Components and Construction Types" goes to SustainaShell, submitted by the research group of the same name, consisting of representatives from the Institute of Building Climatology / TUD, WiD Wohnen in Dresden GmbH & Co. KG, and EA Systems Dresden GmbH. The project consortium has developed an innovative external wall insulation with integrated renewable energy concept for low-impact renovation of existing buildings.
We are delighted and grateful to receive this outstanding award at the state level! For us, it is a commitment to continue to provide excellent research and implement our visions into reality.
SUSTAINASHELL: External wall insulation with integrated renewable energy concept
The aim of the active insulation heating-cooling system is the sustainable and economical refurbishment of existing buildings under the conditions of emission-free and regenerative heat supply. An entire district in Dresden-Hosterwitz is to serve as a demonstrator. In the medium term, up to a quarter of Dresden's building stock could be supplied with renewable solutions. The innovation is that the water-bearing panel heating system required for the regenerative supply is applied to the base layer from the outside. This avoids tenants moving out or vacancies. A thermal insulation composite system is also attached. The fixing technology with special dowels is new; this means that the materials can be dismantled and recycled. It is also possible to reuse existing radiator systems at a low temperature level. This strengthens the circular concept of the system.
Evaluation by the jury:
The jury considers the project to be an important and innovative contribution to tackling the enormous scale of the refurbishment tasks facing our cities and municipalities - in conjunction with achieving climate protection targets. The contribution combines building refurbishment with renewable energy supply and an external low-temperature-capable insulated heating and cooling system. The fastening technology of the insulation and heating system makes it easy to dismantle. The sustainability of the thermal insulation material is a prerequisite. Fastening the water-bearing panel heating system from the outside and the associated avoidance of vacancies significantly facilitates refurbishment and has the potential to promote an economical and socially acceptable energy transition on a large scale.
SustainaShell research group: Prof. Dr.-Ing. John Grunewald, Katja Tribulowski, Dirk Weiß (IBK TUD) - Melina Cipriotti, Steffen Jäckel, (WiD Wohnen in Dresden GmbH & Co. KG) - Tom Eckart, Torsten Schwan, Monika Wicke (EA Systems Dresden GmbH)
SustainaShell is part of the EU Project Neutralpath in the Dresden area, Pillnitz Hosterwitz site
The prize was awarded by the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development/ Sächsische Staatsministerium für Regionalentwicklung. Information