Jan 08, 2025
Urban-Rural Assembly - A Handbook for Co-Visioning Interconnected Regions

Anke Hagemann / Ava Lynam / Gaoli Xiao / Wolfgang Wende / Li Fan / Sigrun Langner / Maria Frölich-Kulik / Laura Henneke / Lukas Pappert (eds.)
As our planet has become increasingly urbanized, the ways in which we think about cities and urbanism are also being fundamentally reconfigured. However, current urban planning approaches often remain stuck in urban-rural dualisms. Across geographies and disciplines, interconnected regions and globalized hinterlands need new and more relevant conceptualizations and methodologies to better capture emerging forms of urban-rural development. Moreover, understanding the multilayered interrelationships and material flows between “city” and “countryside” is key if we are to aim towards more sustainable transformation of wider territories. Taking dynamically transforming Living Labs in China as a starting point, Urban-Rural Assembly provides reflections, best practices, and practical guidance on how to collaboratively investigate, envision, and plan today’s urban-rural regions.
It contains further contributions by renowned guest authors, e.g. Kelly Shannon (KU Leuven), Steffen Nijhuis (TU Delft), Marta Doehler-Behzadi (International Building Exhibition Thuringia), Guiqing Yang (Tongji University) etc.
This book is a result of the Sino-German research project “Urban-Rural Assembly” (URA, 01LE1804A-D), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the FONA program “Sustainable Development of Urban Regions”.
Link to Jovis Publishing House: https://www.jovis.de/de/book/9783986121426