Diploma thesis Anne Jüttner
Design approaches for regenerative supply technologies in the early design phase based on database parameters
Bemessungsansätze für regenerative Versorgungstechnologien in der frühen Entwurfsphase basierend auf Datenbank-Kennwerten
The exploitation of renewable energy sources is essential for the success of the energy transition in the building sector. The potential of these sources is highly dependent on local structural and geographical conditions. Planning approaches for integrating these sources of use into early architectural design exist. This is due to the lack of site characteristics on the one hand and the lack of approaches to characterising the time dynamics of these sources on the other. The description of the utilisation potential here cannot be limited to individual characteristic values such as annual returns. Still, it must also depict the temporal availability of solar energy and environmental heat.
S The diploma thesis aimed to describe the utilisation potential of photovoltaics and environmental heat ( shallow geothermal collectors) for a selected project area based on geometric data (plot of land, building cubature) in such a way that a dimensioning of the supply concept is possible in the design phase, taking into account the building requirements (type of use, i.e. temporal electricity and heating). Ideas were developed based on a database of the company RECUN (website RECUN company). The first step was to review the database to get an overview of the available and unavailable building parameters. From the available and, if necessary, otherwise obtained data, the potential was determined with the help of the software SIMVICUS (website SIMVICUS software) . With the help of the utilisation characteristics for residential buildings, characteristic values in the form of possible coverage ratios and economic optima were derived from this yield calculation. These were converted into optimal area ratios of PV area to usable area. From the result, a conclusion could be drawn on the site's suitability for the optimal design of PV and geothermal area sizes on the basic plot. Numerous approaches could be established for further development of this design approach.
The work was supervised by Dr.-Ing. P. Freudenberg and Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Weiss. Thesis topic and concept: P. Freudenberg.

Chair Representative
NameDr.-Ing. Peggy Freudenberg
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