Diploma thesis Dipl. Ing. Mirjam Dresel
Development of principles for avoiding critical indoor air conditions during summer heat spells for the Sanssouci Palace
Erarbeitung von Grundlagen zur Vermeidung kritischer Raumluftzustände während sommerlicher Hitzeperioden für das Schloss Sanssouci
The following work is integrated into the research project Castles, Palaces, Monasteries as a case study for a building that already needs to be cooled. Measures have already had to be taken to improve the indoor climate in Sanssouci Palace in summer. These include the reduction of solar radiation through the windows on the south side and the use of decentralized, electrically operated air conditioning units. The durability of these measures is questionable, as climate change will increase the duration and intensity of summer heat waves. It is uncertain whether and for how long the measures taken will be technically sufficient and justifiable in terms of operating costs. In addition, there is the sustainability aspect.

Chair Representative
NameDr.-Ing. Peggy Freudenberg
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