Diploma thesis Dipl. Ing. Oda Budny
Examination, comparison and assessment of existing verification methods for the overheating risk of buildings
Erörterung, Vergleich und Kritik vorhandener Nachweisverfahren zum Sommerlichen Wärmeschutz von Gebäuden

Evapotranspirationsbilanz im Feld 1
The diploma thesis addresses the current assessment methods for the evaluation of the overheating risk of buildings. This property of buildings to stabilise the indoor climate during the summer seasons is also referred to as summer heat protection. Numerous physical processes interact here, which are represented in a variety of ways in different approaches. A preliminary step in this work, therefore, consists of describing the physical correlations of the summer heat balance. Based on this, existing methods and their simplifications are explained. These explanations include the simplification approaches of the methods (e.g. time phase considered, building characteristics taken into account, usage characteristics and climatic conditions) as well as the characteristic values used for the evaluation (e.g. temperature characteristic values with different limit values) with their relation to the perception of comfort. In addition to this process comparison, a process evaluation is to be carried out. For this purpose, different types of buildings or rooms are selected, evaluated with the different methods and finally compared with the results of simulation calculations. This comparison will lead to conclusions on the applicability of the methods to certain building/space characteristics as well as on possible adaptations of the methods.
Cooperative supervision with Dr.-Ing. Gregor Scheffler, Ingenieurbüro Dr. Scheffler und Partner GmbH (https://www.ib-scheffler.de/)

Chair Representative
NameDr.-Ing. Peggy Freudenberg
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