Diploma thesis Michelle Haubold (Civil Engineering)
Development and analysis of work processes for the integration of cold local heating networks into the local regenerative energy supply in the context of the development of municipal heating plans at building and neighborhood level: methods, challenges and expected results
Entwicklung und Analyse von Arbeitsprozessen für die Integration kalter Nahwärmenetze in die lokale regenerative Energieversorgung im Rahmen der Entwicklung kommunaler Wärmepläne auf Gebäude- und Quartiersebene: Methoden, Herausforderungen und erwartete Ergebnisse
The work contributes to the development of efficient work processes for the integration of cold local heating networks into the local regenerative energy supply and is intended to close the gap in the automated integration of GIS data into digital planning tools. The implementation of these methods will be demonstrated prototypically on SIM VICUS, with a particular focus on the applicability of the processed data for future programming.
A multi-stage approach is followed, which includes both the development of new tools and methods and their practical application. The first step consists of identifying and structuring relevant data sources from various GIS dataset structures. A filter system is designed and implemented in order to efficiently integrate the identified data into the planning process.
Generic building models are developed based on the geometric data of the GIS datasets. Finally, a prototype implementation and validation of the developed methods will be carried out using SIM-VICUS.
- Written version as pdf-file (coming soon)
The thesis was supervised by Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Weiß

Research assistant
NameDipl.-Ing. Dirk Weiss
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