Diploma thesis Dipl. Ing. Ulrike Renner
Extension of the program for configuring the calculation of internal loads in building energy simulations in the field of residential construction
Erweiterung des Programms zur Konfiguration der Berechnung der inneneren Lasten bei Gebäudeenergiesimulationen im Bereich Wohnbau
With the development towards low-energy buildings, the importance of user behavior is growing. For optimal building planning, a differentiated evaluation of the user is essential, which is why a model was developed in the context of this work, which has the goal of representing the user behavior in residential buildings with its realistic fluctuations. By integrating input parameters, the calculation model is intended to serve the user as an individual planning aid. The output of the calculation results is time and space dependent. The model was created in Excel 2010 using VBA programming. In order to test the model in application, calculation results were read into the program EnergyPlus. In this building simulation program, an energy and thermal analysis could be performed for an example building. The results showed that the model is a successful approach to represent the internal loads in residential buildings caused by user behavior. It is conceivable to include the model in the planning of residential parks, for example to support the evaluation of systems for the generation of renewable energies or the verification of summer thermal protection.

Research assistant
NameDipl.-Ing. Dirk Weiss
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