Diploma thesis Dipl. Ing. Stephan Hirth
Validation of heating distributions system of the software package BIM HVACTool and the building energy simulation solver NANDRAD
Validierung der Heizungsverteilung der Software BIM HVACTool mit dem Gebäudesimulationssolver NANDRAD
The validation scenarios elaborated in this thesis represent comprehensive test cases for the thermal building simulation tool NANDRAD.
In particular, the hydraulic heating network in NANDRAD and the generic pipe routing in the BIM HVACTool are considered and extensive investigations are performed. In the process, a manually sized underfloor heating system is created for a test building and compared to an ideal heating system in NANDRAD.
In addition to the detailed documentation of the validation scenarios, the paper includes a literature review on the state of the art, the relevant codes and the current research in the field of thermal building simulation and validation of simulation models. Finally, outlooks as well as hints for possible further validation of NANDRAD are given.

Research assistant
NameDipl.-Ing. Dirk Weiss
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