Thesis Luisa Kotte
Bewertung von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Sommerlichen Wärme-schutzes für den Lesesaal des Stadtarchivs in Dresden
Assessment of Measures to Enhance Summer Thermal Performance for the Municipal Archive's Reading Room in Dresden
The structural overheating risk is dimensioned or verified within the framework of building planning using DIN 4108-2 (2013). The user can choose between the simplified Sonneneintragsfaktor - method and the simulation method. Since the simplified method has been proven to have a very limited predictive power, the evaluation and improvement of the summer thermal insulation is to be carried out within the scope of the project work with the help of the simulation verification. It should be noted that several properties of the building interact and that there is a considerable range of uncertainty for a large part of the input parameters.
In the project work, an evaluation of the structural overheating risk is to be carried out for the reading room of the city archive in Dresden. In a first step, the comparison with measured values is carried out. If the informative value of the model corresponds approximately with the measured values, then a variant analysis will follow. The improvement approaches (constructional or system-technical or utilisation planning) are to be developed by the student. For the evaluation of the variants, uncertainties in the ventilation regime, the heat loads and the sun protection control are to be taken into account. The project work will culminate in the recommendation of measures to improve overheating risk for the reading room.
Projektarbeit Luisa Kotte (pdf)
The thesis was supervised in cooperation with Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Meinhold from Ingenieurbüro Bauklimatik Dresden:

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NameDr.-Ing. Peggy Freudenberg
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