BIWO-07 Application of Computational Methods in Engineering
Stability Analysis of Beams and Columns with Calculation Software "DRILL"

Inhaber der Professur
NameUniv.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Richard Stroetmann
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Institut für Stahl- und Holzbau, Professur für Stahlbau
Haus 116, Raum 06-32 August-Bebel-Str. 30
01219 Dresden

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameJoachim Wisnewski M. Sc.
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Institut für Stahl- und Holzbau, Professur für Stahlbau
Haus 116, Raum 06-003 August-Bebel-Str. 30
01219 Dresden
- Montag:
- 15:00 - 16:00
- Donnerstag:
- 15:00 - 16:00
Content and Qualification Aim
Module content involves selected topics in civil engineering, materials science and computational mechanics. After having finished the module successfully students master applications of computational modelling and means of structural strengthening.
Date of the next exercise
Winter semester 2024
Study Material
lecture 24. October 2024
guidelines for calculation
There will be a written exam in the exam period after the classes of each semester. Our part is 1/10 of the exam or 15 min. The focus in the exam is on the understanding of the modeling of systems if lateral torsional buckling may be a failure mode. Consider the following questions: What do you need to know for modeling? What are the assumptions for modeling? What steps do you have to take? How can you check your results by simple considerations? What are the effects if you change parameters?