UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV Training Program
The postgraduate training program initiated by UNEP, UNESCO and BMUV is implemented by CIPSEM at TUD Dresden University of Technology since 1977. The target group of the program are young environmental specialists and leaders from developing countries including emerging market economies. Each year, a six-month long-course with a comprehensive range of topics, as well as three several weeks lasting short-courses on selective environmental topics take place.
In this section, you can find general information on our training program, specific information on the content of the current courses, as well as news about the upcoming courses. Furthermore, we introduce the participants of the current course.

UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV Training Program
CIPSEM follows an integrative and interdisciplinary teaching approach which conveys not only knowledge on global environmental processes and methods for the sustainable management of resources, but also promotes abilities in a holistic way of thinking with respect to environmental thematic problems and in finding corresponding solutions. The teaching and working language is English.
Our courses follow a participatory and practical teaching approach and are designed to prepare the participants, who have several years of course relevant professional experience, for their leadership roles in environment-related planning, coordination, management and decision making processes within ministries, agencies and local governments, NGOs, organizations, and institutions of their home countries.
The systemic, interdisciplinary approach adopted by CIPSEM adequately considers the complexity of managing environmental resources in a multifaceted way, while focusing on local strategies and appropriate measures to protect the environment in a manner that is ecologically, socio-economically and culturally sound. Cross-disciplinary elements such as good scientific work, science-policy interfaces and joint social activities link the modular system and create the essential key competencies for modern, sustainable management of the rural and urban environment.
The program of a new course term at CIPSEM is published in the beginning of every year, typically in February. CIPSEM's course term starts in September of the current year and ends in July of the following year. The courses have different target groups according to their topics. The exact requirements can be found in the respective course descriptions. Please check the specific requirements of the upcoming courses and take note of the hints for applicants as well as the additional FAQs prior to application.