M.Sc. Tama Ray
![Das Bild zeigt Frau Tama Ray](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/forst/oekologie/landes/ressourcen/bilder/professur_biodiv/beschaeftigte_biodiv/bilder_ma_biodiv/Tama_Foto.jpg/@@images/ebe51e34-048f-4a52-9f6e-9808852f5e36.jpeg)
M.Sc. Tama Ray
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Cotta-Bau, Erdgeschoss, Raum 0.21 Pienner Str. 7
01737 Tharandt
- Biodiversity Effects on forest structure and ecosystem functioning
- Spatio-temporal dynamics of canopy space filling
Three dimensional forest structure based on Airborne und Terrestrial Laser scanning
2018 – 2020
M.Sc. in Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Specialized in Tropical and International Forestry, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
2015 – 2016
M.S. in Forestry, University of Khulna, Bangladesh
2010 – 2014
B. Sc. (Hon’s) in Forestry, University of Khulna, Bangladesh
Beruflicher Werdegang
Provide assistance in community discussions and key informant interviews for governance assessment in Sundarbans Mangrove Forest under the project, ‘Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change’, (GIZ project # 13.2258.5-001.00)
10/2013 bis 12/2015
Research Assistant
Data collection and field organization in the study ‘Biodiversity assessment through field survey in association with remotely sensed data and GIS in selected coastal areas adjacent to Sundarbans’ of the project ‘Sustainable Development and Biodiversity Conservation in Coastal Protection Forests (SDBC- Sundarbans), (GIZ project # 10.2220.1-001)
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch (DAAD) Stipendium für den Masterstudiengang „Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology“, Vertiefung „Tropical and International Forestry“, 2018