RiMIS (Wald) – BIO
Joint project
Risk analysis with integrated monitoring based on ion-mobility spectrometry (IMS) for the detection of damaging factors in the field of preventive forest protection
Development and provision of patterns of relevant forest structure parameters for damaging factors and revision of the risk analysis results in the field; analysis of the interactions between risk analysis, monitoring and underlying factors; testing of ion-mobility spectrometry in situ as well as its embedding in the monitoring
Project duration:
01.06.2016 – 31.01.2019
Project partners:
IfU GmbH Privates Institut für Analytik
Ostdeutsche Gesellschaft für Forstplanung mbH
Niederlassung Sachsen
Dr. Michael Wehnert
Project description:
Previous monitoring procedures in the field of forest protection are of limited suitability for assessing specific forest stands regarding their potential risk of being damaged by various abiotic and biotic stressors based on their current status. With regard to the progressing climate change and forest conversion taking place, it is necessary to develop innovative technologies to detect local stressors in time. Ion-mobility spectrometry (IMS) facilitates a sensitive, continuous detection of odour patterns and is suitable for the use in the field. Proving the presence of insect pheromones with IMS, for instance, allows for a quick and cost saving way of proving the presence of pest organisms.
Within the subproject, the parameters required on interactions between forest structures and potential damaging factors are compiled to be provided to other project partners for modelling the occurrence and distribution of potential damaging factors. Furthermore, the odour patterns to be used for IMS are being defined, and scenarios and experimental designs for testing the suitability of IMS are developed and carried out. Our goal is to detect pheromones released by insects in the forest, rather than to use artificial pheromones in traps to detect the infestation.
The analysis of interactions between forest structures and damaging factors comprises all currently important leaf- and needle-eating moths, sawflies, bark and jewel beetles on Scots pine, European spruce, common oak, sessile oak and European beech as well as forest fires. European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus), nun moth (Lymantria monacha), and oak processionary moth (Thaumatopoea prozessionea) will be used as examples for IMS.
Using the IMS data to develop an automatic and online risk analysis for potential biotic and abiotic damaging factors on a forest stand level enables the design of a modern and effective monitoring procedure. Risk scenarios for varying forest management strategies provide the possiblity to derive recommendations for actions for the current management.
As a result, currently existing monitoring systems that are expensive and provide limited information can be replaced, and users are given a wider range of application options in the field of risk prevention.
Project related publications, presentations and undergraduate & graduate theses
Bentele M., Müller M. (2019): Nutzung der Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie zur
Erkennung von forstschädlichen Insekten anhand ihrer arttypischen Duftstoffe. In: Köhler, A; Blank, S. M.; Moritz, G. B.; Kramp, K. (Hrsg) (2019): Entomologentagung 2019 in Halle (Saale) 11.-14.03.2019. Programm und Zusammenfassungen: S. 86.
Bentele M., Lukic-Walther M., Müller M. (2018): Risikoanalyse von Forstbeständen anhand ihrer Bestandes- und Standortsmerkmale im Hinblick auf Sturmschäden im Projekt RiMIS(Wald). Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2018. Göttingen, Vortrag vom 25.09.2018. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19719.85925
Bentele M., Rachow C., Müller M. (2020): First results in the detection of four important forest pests using ion mobility spectrometry to recognize their specific odour molecules. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie, Band 22: 255-261.
Bentele M., Rachow C., Müller M. (2022): Detection of forest insects by insect borne volatiles using IMS. Vortrag zum XXVI International Congress of Entomology vom 17.-22.07.2022 in Helsinki (Finnland).
Bentele M., Rachow C., Müller M. (2022): Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie - Gelingt es, die Insekten im Wald zu riechen? Vortrag zum 4. Tharandter Waldschutzkolloquium am 13. und 14. Oktober 2022 in Tharandt.
Bentele M., Rachow C., Müller M. (2023): Detektion forstrelevanter Insekten mittels Ionenmobilitätsspektrometrie anhand ihrer arteigenen Pheromone. Vortrag zur Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung vom 11.-13. September 2023 in Dresden.
Project staff

NameMaja Bentele
THOR project
Office address:
Bibliothek Tharandt/Forstwesen, 1st floor, room 101
Pienner Straße 15
01737 Tharandt