Research Focus
Wildlife biological basics
- Wildlife genetics, in particular molecular genetics, cytogenetics inclusive to ecological genetics
- Evolutionary biology
- Population biology
- Physiology
- Ethology
- Sociobiology
- Wildlife diseases and their epidemiology
Nature conservation
- Management of endangered animal and plant species within and outside protected areas
- Reintroduction of endangered and extinct species
- Stability criteria in forest ecosystems
- Genetic diversity and biodiversity in forest ecosystems
Wildlife and forest
- Ecophysiology and eco-ethology of endemic hoofed game species
- Wildlife management in forest ecosystems, especially wildlife stock inventory, biologically appropriate game densities/abundance, game damage prevention
- Quality management, certification
Human and wildlife
- Socio-economic aspects of the use of wild animals in different regions of the world
- Wildlife utilization as part of forest management concepts
- Wildlife utilization and conservation
- Wildlife management in large protected areas
- Human history and hunting
- Ethics and hunting
- Hunting culture, hunting equipment, hunting rights
- Environmental communication and environmental education