Feb 29, 2024
pyMANGA software platform released!

Puzzle illustrating the concept of the pyMANGA software platform for modular model building
Many simulation models are developed from scratch, but usually refer to already established principles for the description of specific processes that are important for the system under study and integrated in the model at hand. Marie-Christin Wimmler and colleagues now developed a platform with which users can assemble new models by selecting prefabricated modules that are combined. This makes customisable models possible without having to re-implement the submodels for individual processes. Their work opens up a whole new dimension for the creation and comparability of models!
The pyMANGA platform has now been presented in the journal Environmental Modelling & Software:
Wimmler, M.C., Bathmann, J., Vollhüter, J., Berger, U. (2024): pyMANGA: A modular, open and extendable software platform for modeling of forest and vegetation dynamics. Environmental Modelling & Software 174, 105973.
Check out and contribute building blocks to pyMANGA here: