Aug 06, 2024
The Sap Flow Analyzer is released!

User interface of the R Shiny app of the Sap Flow Analyzer
We are pleased to introduce the Sap Flow Analyzer, a free tool to analyze sap flow rates and tree water use from heat field deformation (HFD) instruments. It has been developed by Marie-Christin Wimmler from our group, also implementing the ideas of other sap flow specialists working worldwide. It is designed to ensure maximum accuracy and reproducibility of sap flow estimates by featuring diagnosis diagrams, regression models and different approaches for upscaling sap flow to whole-tree water use. The Sap Flow Analyzer is provided as an R Shiny app, constituting a user-friendly application, which has also been demonstrated by the user trial included in the study.
Wimmler, M. C., Vovides, A. G., Bowen, H., & Nadezhdina, N. (2024). Sap Flow Analyzer (SFA): an R Shiny tool for processing heat field deformation measurements (v0.3.3).
Software description and analysis of user trial:
Wimmler, M.-C., Nadezhdina, N., Bowen, H., [...], Vovides, A. (2024): Sap Flow Analyzer: A tool to standardize sap flow estimation and scaling to whole-tree water use using the HFD method. Methods in Ecology and Evoloution.