Former projects
"Intermediaries of Globalization" (Funding: DFG) - wiss. Employee (Head: J. Miggelbrink)
"Protein Matters: Securitizing Zoonoses in the EU and the US" (Funding: Gerda Henkel Foundation; Head: Dr. Frank Müller, University of Amsterdam; Prof. Judith Miggelbrink and Dr. Frank Meyer, TU Dresden; 2021-2023)
- "IMAJINE - Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe" (funding: European Commission, overall management: Prof. Dr. Michael Woods, University of Aberystwyth)
(2017 - 2021) - "Cross-border Assemblages of Medical Practices" in the Collaborative Research Center 1199 "Spatialization Processes under Conditions of Globalization" (Funding: DFG)
(2016 - 2019)