Anette Eltner

NameJun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anette Eltner
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Wissenschaftlicher Lebenslauf
- 2021 Junior Professorin für Geosensorsysteme, TU Dresden
- 2020 TUD Young Investigator (Status der TU Dresden für exzellente, unabhängige Nachwuchsgruppenleiter ...)
- 2016 Promotion (mit Auszeichnung des AK Geomorphologie, AK Geomorphologie) "Photogrammetric techniques for across-scale soil erosion assessment - Developing methods to integrate multi-temporal high resolution topography data at field plots" (Qucosa)
- 2010 Diplom Geographie mit den Nebenfächern Photogrammetrie/Fernerkundung, Bodenkunde und Hydrologie, TU Dresden
- UAV-Photogrammetrie und -Fernerkundung
- Methodenentwicklung für geomorphologisches und hydrologisches Monitoring
- Erosionsprozesse in fragilen Landschaften
- Räumlich und zeitlich hochauflösende topographische Messmethoden (Laserscanning, Structure-from-Motion, time-lapse)
- Bildverarbeitung in geographischen Anwendungen (automatische Merkmalsdetektion und -verfolgung)
- Low-cost Geosensorsysteme
Editorial Boards
- Chief editor Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems
- Photogrammetric Record
- Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences
- seit 2021 unter folgendem Link
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Onnen, N., Eltner, A., Heckrath, G., Van Oost, K. (2020): Monitoring soil surface roughness under growing winter wheat with low altitude UAV sensing: potential and limitations. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(14), 3747-3759 (Link Wiley).
Santos, A., Marcato Junior, J., de Andrade Silva, J., Pereira, R., Matos, D., Menezes, G., Higa, L., Eltner, A., Marques Ramos, A., Osco, L., Gonçalves, W. (2020): Storm-Drain and Manhole Detection Using the RetinaNet Method. Sensors, 20, 4450 (Link MDPI).
Candido, B., Quinton, J., James, M., Silva, M., de Carvalho, T., de Lima, W., Beniaich, A., Eltner, A. (2020): High-resolution monitoring of diffuse (sheet or interrill) erosion using structure-from-motion. Geoderma, 375, 114477 (Link Elsevier).
Pätzig, M., Geiger, F., Rasche, D., Rauneker, P., Eltner, A. (2020): Allometric
relationships for selected macrophytes in kettle holes of northeast Germany as a basis for efficient biomass estimation using UAS. Aquatic Botany, 162, 103202 (Link Elsevier). -
Elias, M., Eltner, A., Liebold, F., Maas, H.-G. (2020): Assessing the influence of temperature changes on the geometric stability of smartphone- and Raspberry Pi cameras. Sensors, 20(3), 643 (Link MDPI).
Eltner, A., Sardemann, H., Grundmann, J. (2020): Technical Note: Flow velocity and discharge measurement in rivers using terrestrial and UAV imagery. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, hess-2019-289 (Link HESS).
Sofia, G., Eltner, A. Nikolopoulos, E., Crosby, C. (2019): Leading Progress in Digital Terrain Analysis and Modeling. International Journal of Geo-Information, 3, 372 (Link MDPI).
dos Santos, A., Marcato Junior, J., Araújo, M. Di Martini, D., Tetila, E., Siqueira, H., Aoki, C., Eltner, A., Matsubara, E., Pistori, H., Feitosa, R., Liesenberg, V., Gonçalves, W. (2019): Assessment of CNN based methods for individual tree detection on images captured by RGB cameras attached to UAVs. Sensors, 19(16), 3595 (Link MDPI).
James, M., Chandler, J., Eltner, A., Fraser, C., Miller, P., Mills, J., Noble, T., Robson, S., Lane, S. (2019): Guidelines on the use of Structure from Motion Photogrammetry in Geomorphic Research. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(19), 2081-2084 (Link Wiley).
- Lin, D., Grundmann, J., Eltner, A. (2019): Evaluating Image Tracking Approaches for
Surface Velocimetry with Thermal Tracers. Water Resources Research, WR024507 (Link Wiley). - Eltner, A., Elias, M., Sardemann, H., Spieler, D. (2018): Automatic image‐based water stage measurement for long‐term observations in ungauged catchments. Water Resources Research, WR023913 (Link Wiley).
- Kaiser, A., Erhardt, A., Eltner, A. (2018): Addressing uncertainties in interpreting soil surface changes by multi‐temporal high resolution topography data across scales. Land Degradation & Development, 29(8), p. 2264-2277 (Link Wiley).
- Lin, D., Eltner, A., Sardemann, H., Maas, H.-G. (2018): Automatic Spatio-temporal Flow Velocity Measurement in Small Rivers Using Thermal Image Sequences. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, IV-2, p. 201-208 ( Link ISPRS Annals).
- Kröhnert, M., Eltner, A. (2018): Versatile mobile and stationary low-cost approaches for hydrological measurements. ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2, p. 543-550 (Link ISPRS Archives).
- Sardemann, H., Eltner, A., Maas, H.-G. (2018). Acquisition of geometrical data of small rivers with an unmanned water vehicle. ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2, p. 1023-1027 (Link ISPRS Archives).
- Eltner, A., Maas, H.-G., Faust, D. (2018): Soil micro-topography change detection at hillslopes in fragile Mediterranean landscapes. Geoderma, 313, p. 217–232 (Link Elsevier).
- Baumgart, P., Eltner, A., Domula, A., Barkleit, A., Faust, D. (2017): Scale dependent soil erosion dynamics in a fragile loess landscape. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie (Link Schweizerbart).
- Eltner, A., Kaiser, A., Abellan, A., Schindewolf, A. (2017): Time lapse structure-from-motion photogrammetry for continuous geomorphic monitoring. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(14), p. 2240-2253 (Link Wiley).
- Hänsel, P., Schindewolf, M., Eltner, A., Kaiser, A., Schmidt, J. (2016): Feasibility of High-Resolution Soil Erosion Measurements by Means of Rainfall Simulations and SfM Photogrammetry. Hydrology, 3 (38) ( Link MDPI).
- Eltner, A., Schneider, D., Maas, H.-G. (2016): Integrated Processing of High Resolution Topographic Data for Soil Erosion Assessment Considering Data Acquisition Schemes and Surface Properties. International Archives of the Photogrammtry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLI-B5, p. 813-819 ( Link ISPRS Archives).
- Baumgart, P., Riedel, E., Eltner, A., Faust, D. (2016): Soil Surface Sampling Approaches for Reliable Radiogenic Isotope Tracer Investigations. Soil Science, 181(2), p. 82-88 ( Link SoilScience).
- Eltner, A., Kaiser, A., Castillo, C., Rock, G., Neugirg, F., Abellan, A. (2016): Image-based surface reconstruction in geomorphometry – merits, limits and developments. Earth Surface Dynamics, 4, p. 359-389, (Link ESurf).
- Eltner, A., Schneider, D. (2015): Analysis of Different Methods for 3D Reconstruction of Natural Surfaces from Parallel-Axes UAV Images. The Photogrammetric Record, 30(151), p. 279-299, (Link Wiley).
- Eltner, A., Baumgart, P. (2015): Accuracy constraints of terrestrial Lidar data for soil erosion measurement: Application to a Mediterranean field plot. Geomorphology, 245, p. 243-254, (Link ScienceDirect).
- Stöcker, C., Eltner, A., Karrasch, P. (2015): Measuring gullies by synergetic application of UAV and close range photogrammetry - A case study from Andalusia, Spain. Catena, 132, p. 1-11. (Link Elsevier)
- Eltner, A.; Baumgart, P.; Maas, H.-G.; Faust, D. (2015): Multi-temporal UAV data for automatic measurement of rill and interrill erosion on loess soil. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(6), p. 741-755. ( Link Wiley)
- Eltner, A.; Mulsow, C.; Maas, H.-G (2013): Quantitative Measurement of Soil Erosion from TLS and UAV Data. International Archives of the Photogrammtry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-1/W2, p. 119-124. (Link ISPRS Archives)
- Richter (jetzt Eltner), A.; Faust, D.; Maas, H.-G. (2013): Dune cliff erosion and beach width change at the northern and southern spits of Sylt detected with multi-temporal Lidar. Catena, 103, p. 103-111. ( Link Elsevier)
- Eltner, A., Sofia, G. (2020): Chapter 1 - Structure from Motion photogrammetric technique. Developments in Earth Surface Processes, 23, p. 1-24. (Link Elsevier)
- Siqueira, H., Marcato Junior, J., Takashi Matsubara, E., Eltner, A., Colares, R., Santos, F.
(2019): The impact of ground control point quantity on area and volume measurements with UAV SfM photogrammetry applied in open pit mines. Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. - Bertalan, L., Nagy, B., Szopos, N., Eltner, A., Sardemann, H., Mader, D. (2019):
Medertopográfiai és hidrometriai vizsgálatok a Sajó mentén pilóta nélküli vízi- és légijárművekkel. Theory Meets Practice in GIS. - Steinhoff-Knopp, B., Eltner, A., Hake, F., Paffenholz, J.-A. (2019): Methoden zur
skalenübergreifend hochaufgelösten Erfassung und Quantifizierung von Bodenerosion durch Wasser. Tagungsband Geomonitoring 2019, S. 75-89. - Eltner, A.; Sardemann, H.; Kröhnert, M.; Maas, H.-G. (2018): Entwicklung eines low-cost Kamerapegels zur Erfassung hydrologischer Extremereignisse. Publikationen der DGPF e.V., 27.
- Sardemann, H.; Eltner, A.; Maas, H.-G. (2018): Erfassung von Geometriedaten kleiner Flüsse mit einem unbemannten Wasserfahrzeug als Multisensor-Plattform. Publikationen der DGPF e.V., 27.
- Wiemann, S., Al Janabi, F., Eltner, A., Krüger, R., Thanh Luong, T., Sardemann, H., Singer, T., Spieler, D., Kronenberg, R. (2018): Entwicklung eines Informationssystems zur Analyse und Vorhersage hydro- meteorologischer Extremereignisse in mittleren und kleinen Einzugsgebieten. Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, Heft 39.
- Stöcker, C.; Eltner, A.; Karrasch, P. (2014): Synergetischer Einsatz von UAV- und Nahbereichs-Photogrammetrie zur Vermessung von Gullys. Angewandte Geoinformatik 2014, S. 39-44, Beiträge zum 26. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg.
- Eltner, A. (2013): Konzeption einer Methode zur quantitativen Erfassung von Bodenerosion durch integrierte Aufnahme mit einer Mikrodrohne und einem terrestrischen Laserscanner. DGPF Tagungsband, Band 22, S. 289-297, Dreiländertagung der DGPF, OVG, SGPF in Freiburg, 2013.
- Maas, H.-G.; Pech, K.; Stelling, N.; Richter (jetzt Eltner), A.; Others (2013): EO2HEAVEN - mitigating environmental health risks. Klopfer, M. (Ed.), EO2HEAVEN Consortium.
- Arvor, D., Stelling, N., Merwe, M. V. d., Richter, S., Richter (now Eltner), A., Neumann, G., Arloth, J., Naidoo, R., Soti, V., Padayachie, Y., Quanga, C., Simonis, I. (2011): Identification of Earth Observation data for health-environment studies. Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011. Sydney, Australia.