Computer Tomography (SFB 528 / Sub-project D3)
Project title
Textile reinforcement for structural strengthening and repair
Sub-project: Non-destructive imaging method (computer tomography) and voxel-based image analysis to determine the mechanical features of textile reinforced materials
German Research Foundation (DFG), SFB 528
- Testing the application of computer tomography systems and method for mechanical load experiments on textile reinforced sample objects. Use and Application of radiograms to overcame the dependency of object size and resolution as well as the restrictions of the experimental setup.
- Optimise the computer tomography imaging system in respect of geometric resolution and measurement period. Reduce system and reconstruction depending artefacts and errors by improving and extending the imaging system configuration and the reconstruction algorithm. Develop routines to calibrate the geometric and radiometric errors of the imaging unit.
- Further development and optimising of image analysis techniques in respect of the specific applications of further structure analysis on civil engineering experiments. One of the central aspects of all algorithms is the focus on subvoxel precision, in order to improve the reliability and accuracy of the methods.
- Adaptation the computer tomographic system in order to build up and use an experimental setup up for civil engineering experiments.
- Developing of marking methods (sphere markers and metal coating) respectively registration multi temporal data sets.
- Extending photogrammetric algorithms on the base of volume data to detect imperfections extract crack structures as well as determine deformation developing in textile reinforced objects. An accuracy potential of 1/10 Voxel is proved in dependency of the examined material.
- Application computer tomography in the field of detection and quantification of imperfections and object structures inside the object.
Visualisation of textile reinforced wood probe
Detection and quantification of imperfections in concrete and wood probes
Extraction of crack structures









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Prof. Dr. habil. Hans-Gerd Maas (project management)
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Schulze (project work)