Studying at the Chair
The Chair of Photogrammetry offers courses in the bachelor and master programs in geodesy and geoinformation technology. In addition, courses for forest science students and a minor for IT students at TU Dresden are available.

Information for prospective students
Photogrammetry deals with the extraction of three-dimensional metric information from stereoscopic images. A traditional application area is the production of maps or digital terrain models from aerial images.
In addition, photogrammetry has recently entered a number of new application areas. Encouraged by computer developments, automatic or semi-automatic measuring systems based on digital cameras have been developed for various application purposes. Examples are quality control in industrial manufacturing or the creation of 3-D models for computer graphics.
Computers have become an indispensable part of today's photogrammetry. Digital image data are processed on powerful machines to produce graphical or numerical products. Geodesists' field of work can be in the application as well as in the development of systems.
Detailed information about the courses offered at the Department of Geosciences can be found at