UAV-based data acquisition and evaluation for cultural landscape management
Project title
stadtPARTHEland - cultural landscape management as a bridge between urban and rural area, sub-project: UAV-based photogrammetric data acquisition and evaluation for an efficient measure-monitoring in cultural landscape management
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
The Partheland is a region in the east of the city of Leipzig. It ranges from dense urban to vast rural areas. Core and connecting element of the region is the small river Parthe with its wetland. Here one can find beautiful parks, small forests, species-rich meadows and old settlements. But this image is not a continuous one: The Partheland is a place of new housing areas, big infrastructures and industry as well. It’s a landscape which is changing really fast. The heterogeneous structures of land use patterns and the diverse interests of the actors are a particular challenge for cultural landscapes in urban regions. Therefor a superior organization (cultural landscape management) is necessary for coordination of numerous actor and interests. Key tasks of a cultural landscape management are the lasting care and the development of nature and landscape as well as involvement of all relevant actors in landscaping and decision-making. The innovation group stadtPARTHEland has the goal of development of appropriate structures and region-specific action strategies for a lasting cultural landscape management. An overarching goal is the generation of a dynamical cultural landscape management as a guidance force for process of innovation in urban regions. More information on this may be found on the websites of stadtPARTHEland.
The Chair of Photogrammetry develops new methods for an efficient agricultural stock assessment by using a multi-sensor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The results should be the basis for testing and evaluation of production integrated compensation measures in urban regions. In addition, there should be find solutions for an efficient care, harvesting and reorganization of wood structures in small areas.
Photogrammetry deals with the following work packages:
Data acquisition
- Flight planning
- UAV-based data acquisition of parts of the investigation area (Partheland)
- Sensor configuration: RGB camera, near-infrared camera, thermal-infrared camera, laser scanner
- Integration and calibration of the sensors
Data processing
- Orthophoto mosaic based on imagery
- 3D surface models and 3D terrain models based of laser scanner data (multi-echo technology)
- 3D object models based on imagery
- Data fusion: Integrated processing of imagery and laser scanner data
- Georeferencing
Data analysis
- Support in development and implementation of subsequent processing and analysis chains
- Development of approaches for the automatic detection of ground breeders and small mammals based on thermal imagery
- Development of approaches for the classification of vegetation types and the evaluation of the vegetation state based on near-infrared imagery and multi-echo laser scanner data
- Development of approaches for the determination of perspective lines derived from 3D object models as a basis to assess the protective effects of landscaping elements
ProjeCt partner
- Prof. Dr. Catrin Schmidt and Dipl.-Ing. Florian Etterer (Institute of Landscape Architecture, Chair of Landscape Planning)
- The whole innovation group as well as co-operation partners are listed at project websites.
- Dr.-Ing. Patrick Westfeld (project management)
- Dipl.-Ing. David Mader (project work)