Sep 01, 2024
Open Master/Bachelor topics
The Master and Bachelor topics are intended for students of chemistry, especially with a focus on hydrochemistry, as well as for students of hydrochemistry, water management, hydrology or other related fields.
All topics are open to suggestions and can be modified. The responsible university teacher decides on the allocation of topics, taking into account the wishes of the applicants.
If you are interested in any of the topics, please contact the responsible person by e-mail.
We are looking forward to working with you!
Open Master and Bachelor topics:
- Master's/Bachelor's thesis (or research internship) in cooperation with the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, UFZ (Magdeburg and Leipzig) Field of study: Chemistry, Water Management, Hydrosciences, Hydroscience and Engineering. Language: German/English. Sorption, degradation and effects of organic trace substances in natural aquatic biofilms, Contact: Dr. Hilmar Börnick (
Master/Bachelor-Arbeit (bzw. Forschungspraktikum). Studienrichtung: Chemie, Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrowissenschaften, Hydroscience and Engineering. Sprache: English. Assessment of bioaccumulation potential of highly hydrophobic Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers using maximum solubility in water and octanol. Contact: Contaminant Science Group, Dr. Marta Markiewicz (
Master-Arbeit (bzw. Forschungspraktikum). Studiengangrichtung: Chemie. Sprache: Deutsch. Prozessuntersuchungen zur Bestimmung des gelösten Sauerstoffs unter Nutzung der mikrobiellen Brennstoffzellentechnologie (TU Dresden Patent). Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte Dr. Schmalz (
- Master- Arbeit (bzw. Forschungspraktikum). Studienrichtung: Chemie, Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrowissenschaften. Sprache English. Assessment of the soil partitioning of ionisable compounds using LC/MS. Kontakt, Dr. Markiewicz
Master/Bachelor thesis/research internship. Field of study: Chemistry, Water Management, Hydrosciences, Hydroscience and Engineering. Language: German/English. “Comparison of the biodegradability of complex mixtures of (highly) polar trace substances in surface waters and investigation of the influence of industrial wastewater treatment plants on degradation". Cooperation with Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG (operator of the Industriepark Frankfurt Höchst). A remuneration can be paid for work on site (Frankfurt am Main). Contact : Alexander Becker ()
Masterarbeit. Studienrichtung: Chemie, Biochemie, Chemieingenieurwesen, Verfahrenstechnik, Physik, Plasmatechnik und Plasmaphysik. "Charakterisierung reaktiver Spezies von plasmabehandelten Flüssigkeiten". Kooperation mit Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik. Kontakt: Frau Linda Steinhäußer (, mehr Information