Dec 10, 2019
TextileMission Conference in Brussels
In the effort to effectively reduce the release of textile-based microplastics it's important to identify and exploit potential savings and optimisation at all stages of the product life cycle. Achieving this objective requires further interdisciplinary and international research. These are key findings of the conference "Microplastics in Textiles: Addressing the Challenges for Politics, Industry and Research“ held on December 10, 2019 in Brussels. The event was organised by the partners of the joint project TextileMission in cooperation with FESI, Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry. Sponsor was the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project partners presented first results of their research activities and discussed research policy priorities with more than 60 participants and representatives from EU Commission and BMBF.
Prof. Stolte presents about Biodegradability of fibre materials in sewage treatment plants
More information you can find here