INOWAS presented its research at the EGU General Assembly 2016 in Vienna, Austria
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly was held at the Austria Center Vienna between 17 – 22 April 2016. The conference was attended by our colleagues José Bonilla and Thomas Fichtner together with Fritz Kalwa from the Institute of Groundwater Management. We reached Vienna on Sunday evening after a nice bus trip. After checking the rooms in our hotel Hillinger we participated in the ice breaking party in Austria Center Vienna. Highlight of the week were the two poster presentations by José and Thomas in the co-organized Session titled “Soil water Infiltration. Measurements, assessment and modeling” (SSS7.4/HS8.3.9). José presented the poster titled “Can the Dupuit-Thiem equation accurately describe the flow pattern induced by injection in a laboratory scale aquifer-well system?” and Thomas the poster “Influence of experimental set-up on the infiltration characteristics during managed aquifer recharge operation”. The poster entitled “A Laboratory Scale Aquifer-Well System for Analyzing Near-well Processes” was presented by Fritz in collaboration with the Junior Research Group INOWAS and the Institute of Groundwater Management.