Final status seminar of BMBF-funded "Junior Research Groups Global Change 4+1"
The final status seminar within the BMBF-funding framework "Junior Research Groups Global Change 4 + 1" was held in Berlin from 26-28 June 2018. The Veterinary School’s Anatomical Theatre (Tieranatomisches Theater) provided a beautiful setting where all funded junior research groups presented the results of their projects as most of the groups are now in their final year of funding. The seminar further provided the opportunity to discuss about various challenges and outcomes from the projects with Ministerialdirigent Wilfried Kraus from the BMBF. Our group was represented by Claudia Schönekerl and Jana Sallwey who brought forward our group activities in the poster session as well as during a presentation. We enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere of the status seminar as well as discussing the experiences of this unique funding opportunity with the other seminar participants.