Open Space Workshop at GIZ Symposium on Rural Development and Water (FATA 2017)
Catalin attended on 5-7 July 2017 the GIZ Symposium on Rural Development and Water (FATA 2017) in Bad Neunahr, Germany. In this year's edition, the symposium used the motto "Leave no one behind - shortage of resources in times of increasing social inequality" to address challenging issues on rural development and water resources management in countries where GIZ is active. Overall, it was such a great opportunity for us to experience some 'insider views' on the GIZ work and we learned a lot about the needs and challenges of various countries in the world. With the support of the GIZ mission in Guatemala, Catalin organised an 'Open Space Workshop' about how to fix broken hydrological water cycles. Entitled "Bring it back to where you took it from!", the workshop focused on managed aquifer recharge as tool for resilient cities and was attended by GIZ delegates from Guatemala, Kenia, India and Peru. The MAR approach was recognized as an important instrument for GIZ in the focused countries and we discussed about the potential of using the INOWAS DSS platform in the GIZ projects abroad.