Jun 30, 2017
INOWAS at the International Scientific Meeting "Man and Karst 2017" in Zadar, Croatia

Miguel Moreno (INOWAS) presenting his work at Man and Karst 2017 in Zadar, Croatia
From 26 to 29 June, Miguel participated in the International Scientific Meeting "Man and Karst 2017" where he gave an oral presentation related with his work on karst vulnerability receiving good comments and feedback. The aim of this meeting was to gather scientists dealing with wide range of topics related to karst. The meeting was organized as series of sessions with renowned lecturers such as Prof. Derek Ford (McMaster University, Canada) and Prof. Ognjen Bonacci (IAH Commission on Karst Hydrogeology); additionally, poster sessions and field trips were part of the program. Man and Karst 2017 was organized by the University of Zadar, Department of Geography; University of Montenegro, Faculty of Philosophy; Centre for Karst and Speleology, Sarajevo; International Association of Hydrogeologist (IAH) and UNESCO.