INOWAS members attending the EGU General Assembly 2017 in Vienna, Austria

Felix Barquero and Aybulat Fatkhutdinov from INOWAS attending EGU2017 in Vienna
For this year's European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 2017 (EGU2017) our colleagues Felix Barquero and Aybulat Fatkhutdinov went to Vienna to present their most fresh and interesting work. A congress in the Austrian capital where a lot of interdisciplinary scientists and organizations gather, is the perfect stage to exchange ideas about how to enhance their investigations. A poster of our junior research group INOWAS giving the actual state of our Decision Support System platform was also presented. Definitely this was a great experience for Aybulat and Felix, taking home new contacts, innovative ideas and a good overview of what is being investigated in the academic world.