INOWAS participated in the 9th Water Research Horizon Conference in Dresden

Lydia Kwoyiga at the 9th Water Research Horizon Conference 2018
The 9th Water Research Horizon Conference was held from 3-4 July 2018 in Dresden, focusing on the topic "Towards Blue Cities and their Environs". With its open space workshops, the conference aims at active participation and fostering of the dialogue on current challenges in water research. This year’s conference focused on effective water management in urban areas with regard to urban heat mitigation, groundwater depletion, urban agriculture, reuse of treated wastewater, water retention, freshwater ecosystem restoration, biodiversity conservation, urban recreation and general human well-being as vital elements of a development towards livable cities. Members of our group actively participated in the workshops "Wastewater design and water reuse" as well as "Integrated urban infrastructure solutions for sustainable healthy cities". The idea of combining urban stormwater management, water reuse and managed aquifer recharge suits well with the research topic of our group as well as with the idea of integrated and sustainable urban water management. We used the conference to increase our networking activities within the Water Science Alliance, a network that works on bundling the existing water research competences in Germany.