New project „SATPlanner“ in Joint German-Israeli Water Technology Research Program

Infiltration plot operated by Mekorot Water Company Ltd. near Yavne, Israel
July 2017 marked the start for a new project in cooperation with the INOWAS group, focusing on Soil Aquifer Treatment and Managed Aquifer Recharge systems for infiltration of treated waste waters (treated sewage effluents - TSE). The joint project SAT-Planer of Technische Universität Dresden, Technion Haifa (Israel), Ben-Gurion-University (Israel), Mekorot National Water Company and G.U.B. Ingenieur AG will target infiltration capacity and biodegradation of residual substances for TSE-recharge and identify solutions to optimize both quantity and quality of the recharged water. Beside this, a newly developed recharge approach, applying cost-efficient and easy-to-install small-diameter wells, will be tested by using laboratory and field tests as well as numerical modeling. One of the main objectives here will be the investigation of well clogging prevention and treatment in small-diameter wells.