Vahid Sobhi Gollo from Tehran, Iran, is the newest member of the INOWAS group

Vahid Sobhi Gollo is the newest member of the INOWAS group
The newest INOWAS member is Vahid Sobhi Gollo, a PhD student of our faculty originating from Tehran, Iran. Vahid has a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering and a M.Sc. in Hydro Science and Engineering. He has experience with saturated and relatively saturated groundwater modeling for underground sealing structures and investigated internal erosion processes in soils for different cases like dam functionality. Within INOWAS group, Vahid will focus on the development and optimisation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) schemes in coastal areas by combining MAR with underground sealing structures for prevention and mitigation of saltwater intrusion. We wish Vahid a very warm welcome to our INOWAS group!