Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Vowinckel
Duration: 6 years, since March 2020
funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Project description
The group PRO-MUD carries out particle-resolved simulations of the transport of sediment in surface waters and coastal areas. The prevailing sediments in these areas are fine-grained and cohesive and are commonly referred to as clay and silt. The dynamics of cohesive sediment are determined by the interplay of gravitational, electrostatic and hydrodynamic forces, which substantially changes hydrodynamic processes compared to non-cohesive sediments (e.g. sand and gravel). The focus of this project will be on flocculation due to van der Waals forces, settling behavior, and erosion in open channels. This creates a better understanding of predicting the dispersal of nutrients and pollutants that bind to these sediments. The knowledge gained is relevant for the research of aquatic ecosystems, the modeling of the global carbon cycle, the binding of CO2 by fine-grained sediment and the exploration of hydrocarbon fields.

Particle-Resolving Simulations of Cohesive Sediment Dynamics
E. Krahl, B. Vowinckel, L. Ye, T.-J. Hsu & A.J. Manning (2022) Impact of the Salt Concentration and Biophysical Cohesion on the Settling Behavior of Bentonites. Frontiers Earth Science, 10:886006. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.886006
Y. Yao, E. Biegert, B. Vowinckel, T. Köllner, E. Meiburg, S. Balachandar, C. S. Criddle & O.B. Fringer (2022). Particle‐resolved simulations of four‐way coupled, polydispersed, particle‐laden flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 2022; 1-31. doi: 10.1002/fld.5128
R. Zhu, Z. He, K. Zhao, B. Vowinckel, & E. Meiburg (2022). Grain-resolving simulations of submerged cohesive granular collapse. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 942, A49. doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.404
B. Vowinckel, K. Zhao, L. Ye, A.J. Manning, T. Hsu, E. Meiburg, B. Bai (2022). Physics of Cohesive Sediment Flocculation and Transport: State-of-the-Art Experimental and Numerical Techniques. In (Ed.), Sediment Transport - Recent Advances [Working Title]. IntechOpen.
C. Rettinger, S. Eibl, U. Rüde, B. Vowinckel (2022). Rheology of mobile sediment beds in laminar shear flow: Effects of creep and polydispersity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 932, A1 (PDF available).
B. Vowinckel, E. Biegert, E. Meiburg, P. Aussillous, É. Guazzelli. Rheology of mobile sediment beds sheared by viscous, pressure-driven flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 921, A20, 2021 (PDF available).
K. Zhao, F. Pomes, B. Vowinckel, T.-J. Hsu, B. Bai, E. Meiburg. Flocculation of suspended cohesive particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 921, A17, 2021 (PDF available).
Vowinckel, B. Incorporating grain-scale processes in macroscopic sediment transport models. Acta Mech (2021).
Zhao, K., Vowinckel, B., Hsu, T. J., Köllner, T., Bai, B., & Meiburg, E. (2020). An efficient cellular flow model for cohesive particle flocculation in turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 889, R3 (PDF available).
Vowinckel, B., Biegert, E., Luzzatto-Fegiz, P., & Meiburg, E. (2019). Consolidation of freshly deposited cohesive and noncohesive sediment: Particle-resolved simulations. Physical Review Fluids, 4(7), 074305 (PDF available).
Vowinckel, B., Withers, J., Luzzatto-Fegiz, P., & Meiburg, E. (2019). Settling of cohesive sediment: particle-resolved simulations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 858, 5-44 (PDF available).
Biegert, E., Vowinckel, B., & Meiburg, E. (2017). A collision model for grain-resolving simulations of flows over dense, mobile, polydisperse granular sediment beds. Journal of Computational Physics, 340, 105-127 (PDF available).
Conference contributions
- F. Kleischmann, P. Luzzatto-Fegiz, E. Meiburg and B. Vowinckel. Microgravitational particle interaction in oscillatory flow. USNC/TAM 2022, Austin, United States of America, 2022
- A. Metelkin and B. Vowinckel. A direct numerical simulation approach to model the dynamics of porous aggregates. ProcessNET Annual Meeting 2022, Leipzig, Germany, 2022
- F. Kleischmann, P. Luzzatto-Fegiz, E. Meiburg and B. Vowinckel. Long term flocculation of clay in the absence of gravity. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021
- A. Metelkin and B. Vowinckel. A numerical method to simulate the dynamics of porous particles. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021
- T.-J. Hsu, J. Penaloza-Giraldo, L. Yue, A.J. Manning, E. Meiburg and B. Vowinckel. Toward modeling flocculation in turbulence-resolving simulations for cohesive sediment transport. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021
- J. Penaloza-Giraldo, T.-J. Hsu, A.J. Manning, E. Meiburg and B. Vowinckel. TAnalysis of a floc size class-based model reveals the importance of floc yield strength. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021
- B. Vowinckel, E. Biegert, E. Meiburg, P. Aussillous, E. Guazzelli. Rheology of mobile sediment beds sheared by viscous, pressure-driven flows. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2021
- R. Zhu, K. Zhao, B. Vowinckel, Z. He, and E. Meiburg. Grain-resolving simulations of submerged cohesive granular collapse. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2021
- A. Metelkin and B. Vowinckel. A particle-resolved simulation approach to model the dynamics of cohesive porous sediments. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2021
- F. Kleischmann, P. Luzzatto-Fegiz, E. Meiburg and B. Vowinckel. Microgravitational Particle Interaction in Monochromatic High-Frequency Oscillatory Flow. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2021
- B. Vowinckel, P. Luzzatto-Fegiz, N. Rommelfanger, F. Kleischmann, and E. Meiburg. Long term flocculation of clay in the absence of gravity. International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport, Delft, The Netherlands, 2021.
- B. Vowinckel, P. Luzzatto-Fegiz, F. Kleischmann, and E. Meiburg. Long term flocculation of clay in microgravity under g-jitter. EUROMECH Colloquium 609: Granular Patterns in Oscillatory Flows, Genova, Italy, 2021.
- C. Rettinger, S. Eibl, U. Rüde, and B. Vowinckel. Numerical study of sheared mobile polydisperse sediment beds with a coupled lattice Boltzmann - discrete element method. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria, 2021.
- F. Kleischmann, P. Luzzatto-Fegiz, N. Rommelfanger, E. Meiburg, and B. Vowinckel. Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulations of Clay Particles in the Absence of Gravity. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria, 2021.
- A. Metelkin and B. Vowinckel. A numerical method for simulations of cohesive, porous sediments. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria, 2021.
- J. Penaloza-Giraldo, L. Yue, L. Ye, T.-J. Hsu, A. J. Manning, E.H. Meiburg, B. Vowinckel. The Effect of Floc Strength in a Size Class-Based Flocculation Model. AGU Fall Meeting, 2020.
- K. Zhao, F. Pomes, B. Vowinckel, T.-J. Hsu, B. Bai, E. Meiburg. Flocculation of suspended cohesive particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 73, 2020.
- N. Rommelfanger, B. Vowinckel, Z. Wang, R. Dohrmann, E. Meiburg, P. Luzzatto-Fegiz. A simple theory and experiments for onset of flocculation in kaolin clay suspensions. River Flow 2020, Delft, Netherlands.
- K. Zhao, B. Vowinckel, T.-J. Hsu, T. Köllner, B. Bai, E. Meiburg. An efficient cellular flow model for cohesive particle flocculation in turbulence. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 2020.
Further links
Fabian Kleischmann reports on his research stay in the USA
Ellen Krahl wins the Foundation award 2022 of the Chamber of Engineers Lower Saxony
Bernhard Vowinckel becomes Agnes Pockels Fellow of the TU Braunschweig
Press release of the TU Braunschweig
Entry in the database of the DFG
Youtube-Video about flocculation experiments on-board the International Space Station